Lots of interesting news today

"It’s a wonderful sacrifice for a wonderful cause. If Bernie Sanders wins the election, there will be medicare for all and everything will be free for everyone. That means Jared will actually get his testicles back if Bernie Sanders wins in 2020. As progressives, we can think of no better way to show support for a future we can all believe in. We can only hope that liberals across the nation will follow in Jared’s footsteps"

So much wrong w that story, dudes quote shows he has no understanding at all of what our "founding fathers envisioned".He probably only sold his nads cause he's getting a free sex change.
He probably had to get them back first.

Why is it any black person speaks about damn near anything, this Mondoshawan looking MF'r is always in the background

Aren’t y’all in the same alumni association?
Actually yes.

And yes I went to the same school Jessie Jackson went too. And as you can CLEARLY see, we came out with mirroring philosophy's about life, and expectations from it.
He's a huge pot stirrer and racist. Kinda ironic he's the one being accused, after all the accusations he slung around in the past.

Thats not the accused.

That's the only part of the post that looks incorrect.
Actually yes.

And yes I went to the same school Jessie Jackson went too. And as you can CLEARLY see, we came out with mirroring philosophy's about life, and expectations from it.

I think 1 or 2 of the 9/11 highjackers studied there.