Lots of interesting news today

Or, refer to my Random Thought from the other day and figure the damn situation out: SAFETY Vs. FREEDOM. There literally cannot be police everywhere all the time so if people are armed to defend against societies looney tunes then maybe the statistics would change. But nah. We will just continue to blame others and pass the buck.
When seconds count, police are only minutes away
When seconds count, police are only minutes away
Several years back, there was a mayor in Montgomery, AL that pointed this out during a news conference about a home invasion break in. He was asked the same silly question about increased patrols and other ways to "solve" the problem.

Mayor Bright just looked at the reporter and said he could put a cop on every street corner, but if someone is dumb enough to break into a house when people are home, it wouldn't solve things. If you truly want to protect yourself and your family, buy a gun and learn to use it.

He went on to run and win a seat in Congress as a democrat. I avoid political signs or other things (particularly while on active duty). But I was very happy to have a sign in my yard that said "I'm a Bright Republican".
Union At GM Silao Plant Asking For 19.2 Percent Wage Increase

Damn, this is Scary, considering everything we import from Mexico ! I had no idea they worked for this!
Can't get This line to Load, but it states the 19.2%, would bring them to $3.81 an Hour!

I assume it took 3 hrs to clear the highway because it was crushed Tesla leaking stuff all over the road.
I fail to see how a fatal traffic accident likely caused by an idiot in a Tesla is a symptom of Durham being short on police officers. WTF?
I'm thinking the chapel hill police were their too. AND the speed limit is 45mph, I think the tesla was going way more than that when it hit the guard rail and jumped off the bridge.
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I'm thinking the chapel hill police were their too. AND the speed limit is 45mph, I think the tesla was going way more than that when it hit the guard rail and jumped off the bridge.
yeah, clealt Tesla Dude was crusin'.

I think the relevance of the cop shortage is that there were few people available to help with the scene afterwards. I'm sure this caused a huge mess both above and below the bridge.
E.g. Police availability wouln't prevent it but it would faciltate things getting back to normal.

But hey, as far as we know the only things cops do is sitt around waiting for a chance to shoot a black person.
I really want to know if the golf course was built before or after they bought the home.
I had a great aunt that lived on a golf course in Knoxville TN.Every year we would go to "Aunt Nancy's" for a family reunion and about every year a ball would get sliced thru the trees and land in her back yard,sometimes even hitting the house.They always had a basket full of unclaimed balls.

I assume it took 3 hrs to clear the highway because it was crushed Tesla leaking stuff all over the road.
We came thru WS last night around 7ish on our way back from Staley and traffic was backed up on 52 just as you get off of 421.Something had went down about a block from Olivers and their were about 6 car loads sitting there.All the lookie loo's were checkin it out.
yeah, clealt Tesla Dude was crusin'.

I think the relevance of the cop shortage is that there were few people available to help with the scene afterwards. I'm sure this caused a huge mess both above and below the bridge.
E.g. Police availability wouln't prevent it but it would faciltate things getting back to normal.

But hey, as far as we know the only things cops do is sitt around waiting for a chance to shoot a black person.
You think cops help with crash scenes?! 😂🤣😂

I've been on wrecks before where we had sheriffs deputies ride through the traffic flow and never stop. Maybe it's different with city cops 🤔
You think cops help with crash scenes?! 😂🤣😂

I've been on wrecks before where we had sheriffs deputies ride through the traffic flow and never stop. Maybe it's different with city cops 🤔
Well I was thinking about redirecting traffic and such
You think cops help with crash scenes?! 😂🤣😂

I've been on wrecks before where we had sheriffs deputies ride through the traffic flow and never stop. Maybe it's different with city cops 🤔
We had a trooper pass by a wreck, go get coffee and breakfast, then come back to the scene 30 min later...... Our county mounties run every wreck, fire, or tree in the road they can, so they can watch us work lol.
Since it was on the interstate I'm sure it was NCHP anyway. But I swear all they try to do is close as many lanes as possible.

Theyre usually on our ass to open all lanes ASAP, as if we really want to be standing in the middle of the hwy lol. Something about "youre costing us $x every hour this road is closed"
Since it was on the interstate I'm sure it was NCHP anyway. But I swear all they try to do is close as many lanes as possible.

Theyre usually on our ass to open all lanes ASAP, as if we really want to be standing in the middle of the hwy lol. Something about "youre costing us $x every hour this road is closed"

I was going to say the same thing. The only ones more aggressive about it is iMap. They use their trucks and push cars out of the road. That’s fun to watch. Then sliding an upside down car across the road
Not a joke

