Lots of interesting news today

A item. Understandable. Two items, Eah maybe. A “few” items, sounds like playing the system and got caught.
Exactly. They were stealing shit and got caught. It's one thing if you bought a dozen quarts of oil and accidentally missed a scan on one and only rang up 11. That's still wrong, but could be an honest mistake. You don't accidentally forget to scan a "few" items.
The older I get, the more of a plant guy I become. I love this kind of stuff. Gonna have to brave $5 gas and go check it out just because.

The older I get, the more of a plant guy I become. I love this kind of stuff. Gonna have to brave $5 gas and go check it out just because.

One bloomed last year I believe at juniper level botanical gardens. Should come check that place out next open house they have.
Video in this article
Would've great if all of the "shooters"? all got shot. It looked like the gangbanger in the blue jacket was gonna rob the store and some other bangers in the white car wanted him gone. I don't know how anybody can fight, shoot, walk, run etc. w their pants hanging below their fat or no asses.

This is a mass shooting that - while I don't agree with - I can at least understand a little of what he did, why he did it and what his frame of mind was. From what they are piecing together, his anger was focused on one person - the surgeon that operated on his back, which has left him in excruciating pain. In a note, he basically said he was going to kill that doctor and anyone who stood in his way. He then took his own life. The rest was collateral damage.

I don't agree with premeditated murder, but I can at least understand him. Maybe even empathize. In his mind, he was ridding the world of the doctor that caused him the pain and suffering and then ending his own pain and suffering once and for all. Just wish he hadn't done so in a manner that furthers the narrative against certain guns.
Maybe if the lib. :stirthepot: "news?" peeps got to the scene before the police they and could have calmed him down while he threw gas filled molotov cocktails at THEM.

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Maybe if the lib. :stirthepot: "news?" peeps got to the scene before the police they and could have calmed him down while he threw gas filled molotov cocktails at THEM.

Working link:

@mommucked get rid of the period front of your link and it should work.

Also WRAL should fire their editorial team. The title of the article read as if the police were shooting molotov cocktails at the guy.

Those officers had a hell of a lot more patience than I would have. First time a flamer flew at me, I would have pinned the SOB to the back of that van with the patrol car and not let off till the tire smoke put the fire out.
I think the news reporter should be fired. Looks fine to me.