Lots of interesting news today

I wonder what % of people use a midsize truck for truck stuff and not a glorified SUV
I own an Avalanche, so I have no room to talk shit about a Ridgeline, but...

This is more than most will ever see.
I wonder what % of people use a midsize truck for truck stuff and not a glorified SUV
I’d bet pretty low. A Ridgeline or Ranger probably hauls bags of mulch or an occasional appliance for folks pretty well which is about as much as the majority of buyers of those trucks would ask of them. 🤷🏼‍♂️
My libertarian side says its not the government's job to shoot its citizens. It also says that if the SOB was shot by the girls family before taken into custody, no charges should be filed.
Part of "custody" is protection, given that they remove your ability to protect yourself.