Lots of interesting news today

Not a tiktok user so help me out here...tiktok the business entity was telling kids to set themselves on fire, or the users were spreading some softheaded challenge of doing this shit?
No... "TikTok" wasn't telling people to do anything. TikTok is just the means by which people can post videos and watch them.
TikTok "the business entity" wasn't telling people to do anything.

Just users spreading dumb shit and other dumb users following up on it.
No... "TikTok" wasn't telling people to do anything. TikTok is just the means by which people can post videos and watch them.
TikTok "the business entity" wasn't telling people to do anything.

Just users spreading dumb shit and other dumb users following up on it.
So why people wanna sue tiktok? They gonna sue mickey d's next bc they made them fat?
And because I have a long beard, tattoos, ride a Harley, and drink I suppose I rob little old lady purses and scare small children for fun. 🤦🏼‍♂️. The suing of TikTok part though I agree with. Win stoopid prizes and all that.
A) I've never seen you ride a Harley.
B) No, if you looked like that with an MC cut, you'd be the guy I told my kid to find if he ever got separated from me when he was little. See, if there is one thing you can take to the bank it's that a biker knows the value of kids and family.
Why sue a content platform?? Can the parents sue themselves for letting their offspring have that Sideshow Bob haircut? Every time I see someone with that haircut (becoming common) I stay away. Obviously lacking in any level of proper parenting, self awareness and common sense.

And proved.
One of the best Scouts in the Boy Scout Troop had a haircut like that. I used to call him 'La Piña'. His mom basically carried the troop during COVID and did most of the high adventure planning.

So, I don't quite have the same impression of that look. As for the challenge, stupid people will always do stupid stuff. It's harder now as a parent because you have a world full of idiots to deal with, not just the one in your village.
It's harder now as a parent because you have a world full of idiots to deal with, not just the one in your village.
Bingo. There is no village anymore, its just the whole world.
Why sue a content platform?? Can the parents sue themselves for letting their offspring have that Sideshow Bob haircut? Every time I see someone with that haircut (becoming common) I stay away. Obviously lacking in any level of proper parenting, self awareness and common sense.

And proved.

This is just basic Ambulance Chasing 101, The lawyers name everyone with a pocket who is even remotely involved, and see who flinches, Being named as a defendant in a lawsuit has absolutely no bearing on who is truly liable.
For what? Tik Tok is just the platform.
Thats like suing the bus driver because somebody on the bus farted loudly and somebody else punched them in the face for it.
Go back and read the quote from @benXJ. He said no sense in suing the platform and that is what I agreed with. Suing a platform for open source content solves nothing.
"It is not yet clear where the CO2 — or the gigawatts of renewable energy required to produce 1.8GW of green hydrogen"

Damn, It only took 1.21GW to travel through time.

Also, note it will reasonably cost 2 Euros a liter ($8 a gallon for us Mericans). And that's wholesale production cost...
And its only about 1/700th of US demand. So we only need 699 more of the "world's largest e-fuel facility".
Its all in the definition of "work."
