Lots of interesting news today

70s, I went to 6th grade in Cary, it was the only 6th grade school in the town. Stacey the bus driver was cute, long hair and a fat bottom and she would let me sit on her
leg/lap while she drove. She also smoked cigs and some times the smelled funny. Good times I barely remember!
Kingswood 6th Grade Center! Someone had the wild notion to send all 6th graders to the same school, then split em up again for 7th+
Man what a dump that place was.

The year after I went through there they finally closed it for renovations and added 6th grade to East Cary and the other middle schools. Kinda interesting bc it meant when I was at EC they were adjusting to having 6th graders there and everything was a mess.
Meanwhile in Bandon, Oregon…
Yup, good decision on their part! Up front pricing is the simple answer for everyone, and if all the ISPs do it, maybe they'll start competing on the basis of services provided instead of just prices that aren't real.
The FCC and the FAA get it right sometimes. Good luck with the rest of ‘em.
The FCC and the FAA get it right sometimes. Good luck with the rest of ‘em.
Occasionally the FTC also.
If only they'd oversee Congressmen like they should.
Not current news.
Still pretty interesting.
What’s she gonna do drag her oxygen setup outside and fire up the generator? You’re an idiot.
Nah man, Grandma should have planned ahead and before needing the oxygen used her SS check to buy a whole house auto start generator just in case.
Personal responsibility!
Nah man, Grandma should have planned ahead and before needing the oxygen used her SS check to buy a whole house auto start generator just in case.
Personal responsibility!
No. But like my FIL that has to have oxygen to live. He has an emergency battery powered unit. Because we all know the power can and will go off sometime. And it cost very little through social services.
No. But like my FIL that has to have oxygen to live. He has an emergency battery powered unit. Because we all know the power can and will go off sometime. And it cost very little through social services.
Sure - but we don't know jack shit about this circumstance.
It is very possible, even likely, she had such a unit and it just ran out. Power was out a long time.
Maybe she just came home w/ the unit that day and the battery wasn't charged yet. Maybe her whole house genny was being installed the next day. Who TF knows.
Point is there's no reason to be making assumptions and pointing fingers like a judgemental idiot.
What’s she gonna do drag her oxygen setup outside and fire up the generator? You’re an idiot.

coming in hot!

planning for a power outage, caused by any number of things, when your literal life depends on it.....is a crazy idea?

power has been out for days due to ice, hurricanes, tornados over the years. We have the data!
Sure - but we don't know jack shit about this circumstance.
It is very possible, even likely, she had such a unit and it just ran out. Power was out a long time.
Point is there's no reason to be making assumptions.
That is true. But the news said power went out on the 3rd and she died on the 4th. FIL's unit will last 48 hours on a charge. And there are a lot of assumptions being made on the opinion that benxj made.
coming in hot!

planning for a power outage, caused by any number of things, when your literal life depends on it.....is a crazy idea?

power has been out for days due to ice, hurricanes, tornados over the years. We have the data!
I am not trying to argue with anyone on here. And even if what you said came across harsh. In the end if your life depends on having power you better have a back up plan. And there are social programs to get the things needed in place. I hate that she died and its sad but she did not have to.
They are not gonna find who shot that substation
I wouldn't not be so confident in that fact...

There are "resources" now on the task that whomever shot it never planned on.
I'm flabbergasted that planning for a days long power outage is crazy and idiotic knowing you WILL DIE on day 2 or 3.. I've learned something new.

selling my batteries, flashlights, gas cans, generator, emergency phone # list, cell phone, land line, extra food, candles, guns, ammo, oxygen tanks and extra water right now! Oh, and immediately forgetting those pesky 911 numbers taking up space in my head.

say you have an item that your LIFE DEPENDS ON....you will DIE without in 2 days.......that is not the first thing you move/charge/setup/install when moving?

Sure - but we don't know jack shit about this circumstance.
It is very possible, even likely, she had such a unit and it just ran out. Power was out a long time.
Maybe she just came home w/ the unit that day and the battery wasn't charged yet. Maybe her whole house genny was being installed the next day. Who TF knows.
Point is there's no reason to be making assumptions and pointing fingers like a judgemental idiot.
see...i'm not gonna call you names cause I'm better than that....I also read the article and educated myself before mouthing off.....most struggle with that on the 'Net, so I'll let it slide

Dec. 3 to Dec. 4 was the time frame

Every time you say 'idiot' or 'ass' or whatever else your jump to conclusions mat tells you to type....or take the time to type curse words to feel like a big man?......you are ignored and you further solidify your actual persona and your actual thought processing skills.