Lots of interesting news today

I'm flabbergasted that planning for a days long power outage is crazy and idiotic knowing you WILL DIE on day 2 or 3.. I've learned something new.
Please quote where anyone said it was crazy or idiotic to prepare.
Every time you say 'idiot' or 'ass' or whatever else your jump to conclusions mat tells you to type....or take the time to type curse words to feel like a big man?......you are ignored and you further solidify your actual persona and your actual thought processing skills.
Hello Kettle.

ok I'm bored with this now
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ha...i mentioned 'failure to prepare'

almost immediately...

"What’s she gonna do drag her oxygen setup outside and fire up the generator? You’re an idiot."


"judgmental idiot"

even a WHIFF of a different viewpoint or opinion or thought process or mention of personal responsibility and right to name calling...even though you didn't even read the article, absorb it, and think.....'will this help'
ha...i mentioned 'failure to prepare'

almost immediately...

"What’s she gonna do drag her oxygen setup outside and fire up the generator? You’re an idiot."


"judgmental idiot"

even a WHIFF of a different viewpoint or opinion or thought process or mention of personal responsibility and right to name calling...even though you didn't even read the article, absorb it, and think.....'will this help'
Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it. And that goes for everyone on here, including myself. There are certain people I have more tolerance for, and others that almost immediately annoy me no matter what they post. Obviously you and @RatLabGuy have found that kinship.
ha...i mentioned 'failure to prepare'

almost immediately...

"What’s she gonna do drag her oxygen setup outside and fire up the generator? You’re an idiot."


"judgmental idiot"

even a WHIFF of a different viewpoint or opinion or thought process or mention of personal responsibility and right to name calling...even though you didn't even read the article, absorb it, and think.....'will this help'
I agree with a lot of the things you say not all but a lot. Sometimes the way you say them comes off harsh. But you just have to expect that most people don't want to hear things put bluntly. I am that guy where I work . If you ask me a question I am going to tell you the truth even if it hurts feelings. That's what is wrong with people now. Look at most HR departments you can't even tell anyone to do their job because it hurts their feelings.This is why I never post much on here. And I have met several people here and have good friends on here. It just seems to me there are a certain few that only their opinion matters. And everyone else is an idiot.
It’s me. I’m an intolerant asshole. I just don’t like it when time and time again the same voice rings out from their glass house of perfection without any thought to the possibility of circumstances that caused a situation.

Also, the power outage was not something you could have prepared for. It wasn’t on weather.com or any other type of predictable radar. Around here storm outages are not bad. SP and PH have a pretty robust power grid and given the amount of money in the area things get taken care of very quickly. We all were just going about our business and bam, no power. Hell, it was the better part of 24hrs before the word really started getting out about what really happened and, probably close to that same time before the extent of the situation was initially understood by those that were working on it. Then it took way longer than that to understand they had no idea how long the power would be out due to the severity and new problems that arose from the transformers being shot. Initially it was bring in new equip and back on line in 36-48hrs then when they realized the oil had spilled out of the big transformers it involved EPA which took all of that window of time to clean up before any work could start. They were predicting the outage to last upwards of a week. Regardless, at 87, if she is on a fixed income it’s not that easy to just have a generac installed they are SPENDY! I also know that SP and PH have stipulations on emergency generators because they had to pass an emergency declaration to let people have them at their houses. I have 2 and they were both at friends houses for the duration because my power comes from PeeDee EMC and I was not affected directly by the outage.
Either way there can always be preventative measures in place but not all the people in the world have the ability to do it. Glad y’all can though.
I agree with a lot of the things you say not all but a lot. Sometimes the way you say them comes off harsh. But you just have to expect that most people don't want to hear things put bluntly. I am that guy where I work . If you ask me a question I am going to tell you the truth even if it hurts feelings. That's what is wrong with people now. Look at most HR departments you can't even tell anyone to do their job because it hurts their feelings.This is why I never post much on here. And I have met several people here and have good friends on here. It just seems to me there are a certain few that only their opinion matters. And everyone else is an idiot.
Believe it or not I agree with this approach 100%.
I also understand there is a difference between being blunt (say what you're thinking) and making unnecessary judgmental assumptions and jumping to conclusions about people at the wrong times.
In case it isn't clear I quite love diversity and different opinions. That's part of the reason I like to point out alternative viewpoint. Often it isn't even my own.

But enough of being personally defensive.

EDIT: I also recognize that on reflection my tone here was less than helpful and will keep an eye on that in the future.
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even a WHIFF of a different viewpoint or opinion or thought process or mention of personal responsibility and right to name calling...
ok lets play a math game.
Who here has the highest ratio of using the word "idiot" to post count?
Who here has the higher % of posts complaining about or criticizing what other people do?
ok lets play a math game.
Who here has the highest ratio of using the word "idiot" to post count?
Who here has the higher % of posts complaining about or criticizing what other people do?
What group here bitches every time a certain person gives their opinion? That person has a right to an opinion even if the group here does not like said opinion. It always seems to be said person getting flack for stating what they think. Just looking in from the outside. Might want to check that %.
What group here bitches every time a certain person gives their opinion? That person has a right to an opinion even if the group here does not like said opinion. It always seems to be said person getting flack for stating what they think. Just looking in from the outside. Might want to check that %.
Zero problems here with opinions. And yes maybe sometimes or even often it comes with flack.
I'm simply pointing out that their is a certain level of hypocrisy evident in complaining of thrown stones and namecalling.
It’s me. I’m an intolerant asshole. I just don’t like it when time and time again the same voice rings out from their glass house of perfection without any thought to the possibility of circumstances that caused a situation.

Also, the power outage was not something you could have prepared for. It wasn’t on weather.com or any other type of predictable radar. Around here storm outages are not bad. SP and PH have a pretty robust power grid and given the amount of money in the area things get taken care of very quickly. We all were just going about our business and bam, no power. Hell, it was the better part of 24hrs before the word really started getting out about what really happened and, probably close to that same time before the extent of the situation was initially understood by those that were working on it. Then it took way longer than that to understand they had no idea how long the power would be out due to the severity and new problems that arose from the transformers being shot. Initially it was bring in new equip and back on line in 36-48hrs then when they realized the oil had spilled out of the big transformers it involved EPA which took all of that window of time to clean up before any work could start. They were predicting the outage to last upwards of a week. Regardless, at 87, if she is on a fixed income it’s not that easy to just have a generac installed they are SPENDY! I also know that SP and PH have stipulations on emergency generators because they had to pass an emergency declaration to let people have them at their houses. I have 2 and they were both at friends houses for the duration because my power comes from PeeDee EMC and I was not affected directly by the outage.
Either way there can always be preventative measures in place but not all the people in the world have the ability to do it. Glad y’all can though.
You can prepare for any power outage. As I said before my FIL has a battery powered oxygen pack always on the charger. That was provided mostly free from social services I think his part was less than $100. Most of the time the power here goes out on sunny nice days. Heron landed on a transformer last week and power was out for 10 hours. I don't think you or anyone else in an intolerant asshole. But seems like most of the people on here like to bash benxj for his opinion. And honestly some of the opinions the bashers have are whacked in my mind. But I am just on the outside watching.
Zero problems here with opinions. And yes maybe sometimes or even often it comes with flack.
I'm simply pointing out that their is a certain level of hypocrisy evident in complaining of thrown stones and namecalling.
From BOTH sides.
Zero problems here with opinions. And yes maybe sometimes or even often it comes with flack.
I'm simply pointing out that their is a certain level of hypocrisy evident in complaining of thrown stones and namecalling.
I guess he responds like he does due to the group pile on every time. I have my own opinions on the border,crime,welfare and personal responsibility but I keep them to myself and try to enjoy my time on here. I am just saying that I can see personal attacks every time he posts anything. And by the way I don't know him and have never met him. Just outside looking in.
I'm pretty sure @benXJ could make a post passionately saying that the sky was the bluest he'd ever seen today and @RatLabGuy would fly off the handle and come up with 100 reasons he is wrong.
that's bc the sky doesn't actually have an inherent color and it doesn't change silly.
When I had my kidney ripped out last year, I had low 02 when asleep in the hospital. So, I got sent home with an oxygen concentrator. And even though I was supposed to only wear it at night, I also got a portable cylinder in a bag, and a spare, and, just in case of a power outage, two larger home cylinders. And the doc said only to use it at night, and taper off over the next two/three weeks. (I don't want to know what they soaked the insurance company for.)

I can't imagine she'd have have just the concentrator. I'm sure medicare would foot the bill for backup tanks.

I just hope that this is the nudge someone needs to speak up about what they know about the shooting. Somebody always knows something.
Its more of a commentary of how little 'news' outlets actually do

it would take just a few follow up questions to provide SO MUCH more insight, info, and clarity......to the story that they took the time to report on

kinda strange
When I had my kidney ripped out last year, I had low 02 when asleep in the hospital. So, I got sent home with an oxygen concentrator. And even though I was supposed to only wear it at night, I also got a portable cylinder in a bag, and a spare, and, just in case of a power outage, two larger home cylinders. And the doc said only to use it at night, and taper off over the next two/three weeks. (I don't want to know what they soaked the insurance company for.)

I can't imagine she'd have have just the concentrator. I'm sure medicare would foot the bill for backup tanks.

I just hope that this is the nudge someone needs to speak up about what they know about the shooting. Somebody always knows something.
Couple weeks back were at the Electricities Conference (for those that may not know Electricities is a a conglomerate of all the local cooperative electric utility providers in NC)

Anyone who wants can look up the conference and those that know me - will immediately understand why I was there when you do…..

(TRYING TO carefully navigate around disclosures and legalities here)

But part of the public information session included a state of the union address from the CEO.

In short - the transformer shooting has been categorized as an act of domestic terrorism, it has alphabet agency involvement. I think there will be more time spent arguing over who gets to claim credit than there will be identifying the perpetrator.

More was discussed in non public sessions. But obviously that can’t be published publicly