Lots of interesting news today

Lemme clarify my stance.
Around here, there's a housing shortage like a lot of places. I don't see an issue with projects being approved for development where there is a legitimate need for housing.
In cases where the city or county is (solely) selfishly approval development for the purpose of added tax revenue, that's a different circumstance. 1/2 mile from my grow up house a major project was approved last week. 336 units on an already busy country dead end road. The original developer had a stipulation that no condos were allowed in an effort to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood they built. Well, they sold the property to another developer and they don't have any legal reason NOT to build condos.
I don't villify all developers. Some are advantageous and some are simply meeting a need in their area.
When the .gov (local) gets involved, I have to ask myself why they're doing so.
I am not a local... I am a transplant. I came from a place that went through what WNC is going through now and it ruined my home. Is there a need for forward progress.. Yes. Is there a need for more homes... Yes, but the real cost of the homes and ever expanding City is what made and makes a place like this awesome. Everything you once loved will be paved over, cut down or just simply mired in traffic. This was a huge part of why I left surveying, I was worn out of been the first on site of every new 86 acre housing complex that developers shove into every possible corner, then selling the homes for way more then the average resident can afford, effectively pushing out the locals. The small towns where everyone knows everyone are a thing of the past.
Newsflash: we have a housing shortage. People want places to live, and they don't exist.
That requires building stuff. In the meantime, while waiting for the supply to catch up to demand, prices are high, and developers can do what they want to pack in as many as possibler per sq ft and $$.
I don't buy that. We have shortage of affordable housing that isn't tied to an assistance program. We have a shortage of homes for first time buyers in the 80 to 200k range. What we do have is the polar odds feeding the flames of an inflated market price. Subsidized sub standard everything being the starting point and over sized now lower quality homes with an entry price most cannot afford. Meaning no middle class.

And to be clear I'm talking about 2 to 1 bedroom single bath homes with a modest kitchen. Homes with enough living space to accommodate a small family and you can own. Contractors and developers don't build these for ownership and most apartments that meet this are all Section what ever........

No middle class.

Has anyone seen an $80mil plane wandering aimlessly around? Anyone? Bueller?

I don't buy that. We have shortage of affordable housing that isn't tied to an assistance program. We have a shortage of homes for first time buyers in the 80 to 200k range. What we do have is the polar odds feeding the flames of an inflated market price. Subsidized sub standard everything being the starting point and over sized now lower quality homes with an entry price most cannot afford. Meaning no middle class.

And to be clear I'm talking about 2 to 1 bedroom single bath homes with a modest kitchen. Homes with enough living space to accommodate a small family and you can own. Contractors and developers don't build these for ownership and most apartments that meet this are all Section what ever........

No middle class.
Most of the homes that I see going up, this area, are 4/2+ that are going for 350+. That isnt meeting the buyers that they claim are driving the market. And they are junk too, as others have said.
Or in many cases houses going up that no families need on land previously cultivated. Our county is throwing up homes also. Single family rows of 3 house plan communities. Many so the developer or investors can rent half of them. My thought is if you want to be a neighborhood slum Lord build apartment buildings or condos on half the foot print and make them available with the same features. It's not like your little 1/3 acres is a private Paradise. The desire to pay the amounts to live and play house owner baffle me. Rent in general baffles me. You either don't want the liability or financial lock or you desire to live and save toward something else. This new middle ground seems absurd. At the pace of building and the super poor quality the market of "card" houses looks crazy to me.

On a side note any finish, remodel, exterior, fixer type carpenter should be swamped in about 2 to 5 years when all these match sticks show the true colors of the quality.
I dont disagree with any of this... I was having a convo with a friend, a few years back, who is in the real estate biz... His opinion was that buying didnt really always come out ahead ie: the avg person pays a mortgage for 30+ yrs, then ends up borrowing more to renovate/repair, and then repeating that cycle for the remainder of time. If so, for that person, renting might not be a terrible ordeal, as you dont have to worry about repairs, and you can move to a new place whenever you want, essentially.

For most of us, or others who like to tinker, a typical cookie cutter doesnt fit, as we typically want something specific... but for the avg family with 2 cars and indoor hobbies, renting a house vs buying could be a wash.
Most of the homes that I see going up, this area, are 4/2+ that are going for 350+. That isnt meeting the buyers that they claim are driving the market. And they are junk too, as others have said.

I dont disagree with any of this... I was having a convo with a friend, a few years back, who is in the real estate biz... His opinion was that buying didnt really always come out ahead ie: the avg person pays a mortgage for 30+ yrs, then ends up borrowing more to renovate/repair, and then repeating that cycle for the remainder of time. If so, for that person, renting might not be a terrible ordeal, as you dont have to worry about repairs, and you can move to a new place whenever you want, essentially.

For most of us, or others who like to tinker, a typical cookie cutter doesnt fit, as we typically want something specific... but for the avg family with 2 cars and indoor hobbies, renting a house vs buying could be a wash.
I see this also. The reality of rent and purchase dollar power these days is probably when I fail to fully grasp the situation. Admittedly I've never been a renter. It just never was an option in my head. For what ever reason renting anything in my raising was a wash. Doing so was not because you were poor you just didn't know how to manage your means. Only a starting point for very early families and not meant as long term or life long. It was a stigma I was raised around.

Now a bit more mature I can see your point very much clearer. What drives it further is being the caretaker of Two homes and Three rental properties all in the family. I'm the labor and knowledge base of go take care of............

Most recent, and not because of this conversation I have been playing a lot of dollar figures in my head for the current status of each and the long term cost of them all. It doesn't play nice at all unless your willing to be a capitalist and take full advantage of the "renters market". It genuinely makes my stomach turn because I was raised so differently.
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Well as long as we're staying current
“The debris was discovered Monday evening about two hours northeast of Joint Base Charleston”
What an entirely useless unit of measurement. We’re talking about a plane that can go 1200mph, which would put it way north Canada probably in the arctic circle. Or maybe it was cruising at just below Mach 1 with a northeast trajectory, which is somewhere around Maine? Or maybe autopilot slows down to some minimum cruising speed of like 100-150mph and it’s chilling at the outer banks? Heck, at least say what state it’s in!
“The debris was discovered Monday evening about two hours northeast of Joint Base Charleston”
What an entirely useless unit of measurement. We’re talking about a plane that can go 1200mph, which would put it way north Canada probably in the arctic circle. Or maybe it was cruising at just below Mach 1 with a northeast trajectory, which is somewhere around Maine? Or maybe autopilot slows down to some minimum cruising speed of like 100-150mph and it’s chilling at the outer banks? Heck, at least say what state it’s in!
No no no, thats two hours at Charleston pace. Which means a slow drunken saunter.

It landed in Highland Park.
Game is over, home team band has stopped playing… Sounds like someone that wanted a response from police.
I dunno. Ever had a kid in marching band? I suspect that the guy just wanted to give his kids a chance to enjoy playing. It sucks to to spend months learning tunes, then show up and only play a little bit and go home.
Dude said they were finishing the last song. Just CTFO and let them finish. Its only a couple minutes at most. Cops are just in way too much of a hurry and on a power trip.

One thing is fo sho, that director just gained some serious street cred.
I dunno. Ever had a kid in marching band? I suspect that the guy just wanted to give his kids a chance to enjoy playing. It sucks to to spend months learning tunes, then show up and only play a little bit and go home.
Dude said they were finishing the last song. Just CTFO and let them finish. Its only a couple minutes at most. Cops are just in way too much of a hurry and on a power trip.

One thing is fo sho, that director just gained some serious street cred.
I just can't imagine it was that quick and simple. There was enough time for the police to become involved, enough time for the other band to stop, and enough time for them to coordinate an effort to cut the lights off (even though people were still there), so it's hard to imagine that it was just "finishing the last song". My guess is the visiting team won and was trying to rub it in their face and flaunt it, and this dude took it too far.
I just can't imagine it was that quick and simple. There was enough time for the police to become involved, enough time for the other band to stop, and enough time for them to coordinate an effort to cut the lights off (even though people were still there), so it's hard to imagine that it was just "finishing the last song". My guess is the visiting team won and was trying to rub it in their face and flaunt it, and this dude took it too far.
I'm sure it wasn't but I don't think all that stuff takes that long. Cops were already there to clear people out. [It says something about your town/games if this is the norm]. All it takes is one cop on one side of the field and one on the other to shut 'em down. Its also unlikely both bands were actually playing at the same time, they typically take turns. Turning the lights off on everyone is just a dude by the pole and somebody radioing him to kill them.

who TF knows. Maybe these guys were flaunting it like asshats. All I know is cops don't like being not listened to and things have a way of escalating quickly when that happens.