Lots of interesting news today

I have no problem with making sure other cars headlights and tailights work and not poisoning the air.

But the 1% cause a scene (rolling coal), so the elected officials chip away some freedoms.....Example: the idiot Baldwin just canceling the Christmas parade because another idiot was driving a sketchy, douchy truck and caused trouble. Just moronic.

yet we keep voting for those same people

i don't get it

deal with the egregious 1%, don't make some blanket new law
Que the self absorbed ones on here coming for you.
This goes back to what I have said before. It's only a matter of time before they are going after people that have altered their vehicles.
yeah by seizing the list of customers that bought said products and goin door to door.There might be some loop hole that they use to get by w it but I know the local fire dept (city) has deleted their trucks.
Meanwhile, Amazon is over here serving as an absolute direct conduit for the crappiest most unsafe and unmoderated shit that anyone can think of with no regard for the manufacturing and shipping impact…
But yeah, let’s go after eBay because they 3rd party sold stuff that isn’t EPA legal. :rolleyes:
I've been selling on Ebay since the late 90's and I'll guarantee you Ebay will pull out it of the sellers accounts if they are still active.
That's my thought exactly. Unless it interferes with her teaching, it's not the school's business. Only exceptions being private/religious schools, that's a whole nother can of worms.
A (high school) teacher actively posting nude photos and the whatnot on the internet. Those photos will be found by all the students and a loss of respect will be had.
A (high school) teacher actively posting nude photos and the whatnot on the internet. Those photos will be found by all the students and a loss of respect will be had.
I dunno man. I didnt see nothing disrespectful at all in the images shared in that other thread.

Heck modern problems require modern solutions. Maybe she has found a way to invigorate and excite students into coming to class. I mean I'd probably be late every day so I had to stay after class.
I dunno man. I didnt see nothing disrespectful at all in the images shared in that other thread.

Heck modern problems require modern solutions. Maybe she has found a way to invigorate and excite students into coming to class. I mean I'd probably be late every day so I had to stay after class.
Thanks for proving my point! Lol
Why? If it doesn’t interfere with school business and all. School is school and personal time is personal time.

Stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours and what not…

Unless there is some sort of decorum clause in a signed legal business contract as an educator at the private or church school (which I would still find issue with).

Same concept could be made about so many other topics. Off road vehicles, hunting, playing with radio transmitting devices, or XYZ. If it doesn’t cause issue in the classroom and is separated by work hours then what does it matter? Teachers are there to teach young skulls of mush the knowledge required to get a running start to the crappy world of adulthood. As long as the teacher does what is required then who cares after they punch the clock.
Do I have or subscribe to OF, or playing with radios, or off roading? No, but why should my sole opinion be the one to prevent it if it doesn’t interfere with the task at hand.
I agree but to play the "other side". At what age do you think any K through 12 kiddo could handle the "info" that is bound to trickle into the classroom? Adults aren't the problem in the least and even a minority of them could not overlook the obvious if put in the same room with her.
The effectiveness of the teaching role would be an absolute shit show. It would then spill further into other classrooms. "Our" culture can't handle dress code violations. What do you think pretty pink princess is gonna do!
I'm all for private rights to do your own thing but this would be as effective as screaming fire in a theater.
Years ago we rented a house at Harlan in "pillville" for the weekend.We sat on the front porch one night and watched while some kid was basically goin door to door sellin dope.The goin to the bedroom window was kind of a give away.
I agree but to play the "other side". At what age do you think any K through 12 kiddo could handle the "info" that is bound to trickle into the classroom? Adults aren't the problem in the least and even a minority of them could not overlook the obvious if put in the same room with her.
The effectiveness of the teaching role would be an absolute shit show. It would then spill further into other classrooms. "Our" culture can't handle dress code violations. What do you think pretty pink princess is gonna do!
I'm all for private rights to do your own thing but this would be as effective as screaming fire in a theater.
Yeah man I really don’t know I just despise the “can’t have my private life and/or someone is gonna rat me out” kind of thing. Always had to dance the dance while I was in the military too cause soldier 24/7 so I never did “nefarious things”. I guess we could all go back to having teachers like I had. Ain’t no way they were making it on OF unless it was getting paid to keep their bits COVERED! 😂😂😂
That is a dangerous drug to anyone who touches it. A ex Leo friend said a lady overdosed at a bank handling unknown drug money that came in contact with it. My opinion is it falls in the category of some sort of manslaughter negligence or some other fancy term for putting the general public in harms way.....ie unplanned murder.
That is a dangerous drug to anyone who touches it. A ex Leo friend said a lady overdosed at a bank handling unknown drug money that came in contact with it. My opinion is it falls in the category of some sort of manslaughter negligence or some other fancy term for putting the general public in harms way.....ie unplanned murder.
The police here are getting more and more afraid to handle homeless tent camps for this very reason.
The police here are getting more and more afraid to handle homeless tent camps for this very reason.
This and criminals having more rights then law abiding citizens is why my friend outed early retirement.
This and criminals having more rights then law abiding citizens is why my friend outed early retirement.
I just had two buddies leave early cause they are sick of it. One left with 24 years on the other left with 21. You need 30 years for full retirement benefits.
We lost Suzanne Summers today. :(
I mean I get the stolen cars thing, but owning naked wimmen and a horse sounds like living the American dream...
I mean I get the stolen cars thing, but owning naked wimmen and a horse sounds like living the American dream...
The city plans to take action against owners of vacant hoe to prevent criminality

Mind blown. Dont take actions against criminals, take action against the owner of the homes they illegally squat in