Lots of interesting news today

Yeah but did WE agree? My theory is you don't have to burn bridges if there's nobody to cross them...
We did. In fact we've been kind of big on the no genocide thing for awhile. We hung some dudes in Nürnberg back in the 40s for doing that shit.

Being the "good guy" is a pain in the ass.
The other problem with erasing the offending group from the face of the earth is that it is genocide. The world got together awhile ago and promised to not do that kind of stuff.

But yeah, salt the earth strategy worked forthe Romans in Carthage, Clauswitz, and General Sherman.
It's not genocide to wipe out an army that's trying to kill you.
It's not genocide to wipe out an army that's trying to kill you.
If they all wear uniforms and go out to a field, sure.

I haven't seen that scenario in about a century or more. The Russians in Ukraine are doing things pretty conventional. But wiping out Hamas would pretty much mean leveling the Gaza Strip and killing every military age male along with about 20% of the female population that would go suicide bomber on you. The closer you got to wiping them out, the more enemies you would grow outside Gaza.

It briefs well. But you can't kill your way out of an insurgency or kill your way to peace with a group of people that fundamentally oppose you and your existence.
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If they all wear uniforms and go out to a field, sure.

I haven't seen that scenario in about a century or more. The Russians in Ukraine are doing things pretty conventional. But wiping out Hamas would pretty much mean leveling the Gaza Strip and killing every military age male along with about 20% of the female population that would go suicide bomber on you. The closer you got to wiping them out, the more enemies you would grow outside Gaza.

It briefs well. But you can't kill your way out of an insurgency or kill your way to peace with a group of people that fundamentally oppose you and your existence.
And back to my thought of “fuck em all and let them kill themselves” while we are at home defending our own!

Edit: meant to say fuck not duck. It’s always fuck!!
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And back to my thought of “fuck em all and let them kill themselves” while we are at home defending our own!

Edit: meant to say fuck not duck. It’s always fuck!!

Don't worry, we knew what you meant 😉
Well at least he admits regret, but boy what a weight on somebody's shoulders

EDIT - not that Bill Burr.
Well at least he admits regret, but boy what a weight on somebody's shoulders

EDIT - not that Bill Burr.
I've been saying most of this for over a decade. Easiest way to hack most people is go stand at their desk and type in the password that is on a stick note in their drawer, or under the keyboard or desk pad.
I've been saying most of this for over a decade. Easiest way to hack most people is go stand at their desk and type in the password that is on a stick note in their drawer, or under the keyboard or desk pad.
We used to have this old guy that did HR-like things forever. We used to have something around 15 different systems for everything as an employee (pay, retirement, benefits, credentials, etc). Now I think its only 13.
Anyway when this dude retired they renovated that office and me and another guy were asked to move his desk. We pulled open the drawer and there was a laminated sheet with a 4 column list of the system name, web address, login, and password for every single one. Big facepalm.
As an annoyed person, I think it’s a great idea. As a parent of children, I don’t like how subjective it is. I’ve seen tables of adults be much more disruptive than children too.
My thoughts exactly.