Lots of interesting news today

That wasn't a joke.
SS would be f$cked without the generosity of illegal workers.

They didn't mention in the article that that 13 billion is only 1.1% of the 1.1 TRILLION Social Security Cost.
Nor the fact that illegals only pay about 1/3 on average what the average US worker does.
They didn't mention in the article that that 13 billion is only 1.1% of the 1.1 TRILLION Social Security Cost.
Nor the fact that illegals only pay about 1/3 on average what the average US worker does.
Ok, would you like to pay 1.1% more SS taxes wo any increase in benefits?
And it doesn't matter what their contributions are comparatively bc they don't get to use the fund at all. 100% of what they put in goes to the legal contributors.
In several of the northern towns I’ve been through, they’ve actually placed small stop signs before the cross walks so the pedestrians have to yield to traffic. It makes sense to me that the people who can see and hear more clearly have the responsibility to cross safely. Especially when those cross walks are in blind curves.
Just throwing this out there... I work in downtown Asheville... White people can't cross the road either... Or drive..... Or park.....
You can count on a vast majority of those white folks to have been offended FOR another race at some point in the last few years though. Which may account for the "touch of the tism" that causes such poor decision making skills. Like the Subaru with biden stickers all over the back :stirthepot::laughing:
Whoa. No way!
Came here to post same thing. Who is anti-environment and pro build that wall now?

This is crazy. I remember when I was applying for a loan and how much I was approved for, I would have been super uncomfortable borrowing that much. I can't imagine what kind of debt to income ratio you have to be attempting to be denied for insufficient income.

... they don't get to use the fund at all. 100% of what they put in goes to the legal contributors.

That's fair .... considering they cost the US over 150 billion each year.

you know what is far cheaper than $1MM?

telling people to cross at crosswalks (seems like most adults are really children now) or just letting them get hit. They'll eventually learn. Its a bit different here in the US than down south.

it my fault that they treat capital blvd like its the mexico/US border?

the very pic they used shows a mental midget dude carrying a child scampering across a busy 6 lane highway cause he's too stupid to cross at a light.

my fault that i (we) should pay for?

still baffles me that so many people vote for this over and over
Did you watch the video YOU linked?
The family is crossing in a fawking cross walk.

Now I realzie that family are minorities - which to you mean their lives are worth less than your inconvenience. But they are crossing in a cross walk and pedestrians have the right of way.
Came here to post same thing. Who is anti-environment and pro build that wall now?

Those who will pander for votes to those who are on the fence. Lots of repubs who don't like Trump but will lean towards his views on subjects like the wall and immigration.
Did you watch the video YOU linked?
The family is crossing in a fawking cross walk.

Now I realzie that family are minorities - which to you mean their lives are worth less than your inconvenience. But they are crossing in a cross walk and pedestrians have the right of way.
But crosswalks are racist. They are institutionalized cattle chutes to put less fortunate people who don’t have cars into a single area, not for their safety, but to parade their poorness in front of those of opulence in their fancy driving machines.
Imagine being a dude racing girls and still getting beat, not by one, but by THREE of them! He didn't even make it on the podium!
Reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman competes in the Special Olympics and loses at every event.
Did you watch the video YOU linked?
The family is crossing in a fawking cross walk.

Now I realzie that family are minorities - which to you mean their lives are worth less than your inconvenience. But they are crossing in a cross walk and pedestrians have the right of way.
I don't think he thinks there lives are worthless. He is like a lot of people I know that ARE tired of minorities getting a free pass on a lot of things.
Came here to post same thing. Who is anti-environment and pro build that wall now?

Watched that on the World News tonight. It's not that Biden changed his mind, it's something to do with the Funds from the Trump area, still unused. Something about a Law, say they Must be spent & only on the wall. That's what they were appropriated for & there is a time line to spend them.
Watched that on the World News tonight. It's not that Biden changed his mind, it's something to do with the Funds from the Trump area, still unused. Something about a Law, say they Must be spent & only on the wall. That's what they were appropriated for & there is a time line to spend them.
Convenient timing though. Cause I’m sure he had no clue prior to the run up for election…..
Imagine being a dude racing girls and still getting beat, not by one, but by THREE of them! He didn't even make it on the podium!
Damn a bunch of winning.He's just in it for the locker room peep show.
So a random last minute before I go to bed thought. If it’s a publicly funded school system. Why are they allowed to make rules allowing anything other than boys and girls without being approved by the parents of said children in said district? Maybe things have changed or admins are just doing wtf ever they want now a days but when I went to the public indoctrination location it was all blessed by the public vote (the admins) and the state board of education. If it wasn’t agreeable the parents had the right to bring it to the board for a vote. And to the state if it was satisfied locally?