Lots of interesting news today

It would be interesting to know how many architects/engineers/designers started w Lego's.

These also .....
I don't remember the Makit Toy, but I still have Tinker toys and Lincoln Logs.
The proverbial Holy Grail when I was young was Erector Sets. (we don't need the jokes here! :p )

These also .....
I don't remember the Makit Toy, but I still have Tinker toys and Lincoln Logs.
The proverbial Holy Grail when I was young was Erector Sets. (we don't need the jokes here! :p )

I loved Lincoln logs and makeits, but for me it was k'nex and Legos that surrender my interest in building stuff and making it work.
These also .....
I don't remember the Makit Toy, but I still have Tinker toys and Lincoln Logs.
The proverbial Holy Grail when I was young was Erector Sets. (we don't need the jokes here! :p )

I had some lincoln logs but none of the others and lego's came along when I was older.I guess that might explain a few things.Jake got some of the original yellow and red legos one time out of an old barn that were super dirty.Unknown to us he put them in the little basket in the dish washer and washed them.A couple of weeks later when the appliance guy was here looking to see what was wrong w the dishwasher he found some of em had gotten out of the basket and in the washer. :shaking:
man that was fast
I had Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs as a kid. I never did get an Erector set. Once I got Lego's, it was a different world.
man that was fast
98.4 loss in the FIRST QUARTER. :D

$2.3B project. with what looks like an $800M annual cost if I'm reading it right. FAWKIN' WOW!

Downtown Raleigh and south/north etc. is turning into Chicago everyday an night and it sucks.
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I’m waiting for Yellowstone to announce something similar after the last asshat that tried to selfie it up with a Bison and got turned in to a flesh pancake.

Stupid is as stupid does.
-Forrest Gump
I think we should expand access due to incidents like that. We don't have enough practical applications of Darwin. If we don't allow these people to self identify and eliminate themselves from the gene pool, they just go on and breed.
I'm not comparing or implying anything.
I am flatly asking which other first world country on this entire planet that also has police that act as stated and @Lizooki (or you, if you wish) would rather live in than here.

In other words, yes there are other places where police do that, but do you actually want to live there?
These things go hand in hand.
Ok, I'll bite. Germany is pretty no nonsense when it comes to protests. Protesting on a public road would get you cleared out by the Polizei in a similar fashion to what @benXJ mentioned.

Considering I bought a house there awhile back with the intent to retire, yes it qualifies as a first world country I'd be willing to live in.
You sound like Tlaib or Aoc more and more with every post. I am not going to debate this with you. You sure sound like a liberal to me.
You misspelled 'Libertarian'

Don't confuse @RatLabGuy's willingness to question one-sided arguments and fear of excessive police powers for liberalism. Unless you are referring to classical liberalism, then yes he meets that category. But so do many of us.