Lots of interesting news today

But the real question is, who actually pays to see that stuff? Are there actually dudes out there that have seen all the free stuff on the entire Internet and are so hard up for new content they have to subscribe?
I am similarly baffled, but the proof is in the pudding, they must be out there.
I'm guessing it has to do with a feeling of connection to the person instead of just passively viewing random stuff.
@mbalbritton Its a few months old but I just heard about it over the weekend.

It’s a sad addiction really. Too many family members have lost love ones to this addiction. We even have havens for the addicted across the globe and we call them “theme parks” I guess I’m kinda like a step up from a street level dealer really.

Oh and someone tell that news reporter that it’s LEGO, not LEGOS! Gonna have to cut her if she doesn’t watch her mouth.
It’s a sad addiction really. Too many family members have lost love ones to this addiction. We even have havens for the addicted across the globe and we call them “theme parks” I guess I’m kinda like a step up from a street level dealer really.

Oh and someone tell that news reporter that it’s LEGO, not LEGOS! Gonna have to cut her if she doesn’t watch her mouth.
Surely you're joking

Addicted to what? Sure he wasn't stealing to resell or trade like most thieves?
to offset the ridiculous price of the junk ass toys they produce lol 😂 it’s ridiculous what they cost for absolutely nothing
It takes a lot to make ABS that fits so precisely.
Oh and pay for fools like @mbalbritton to build crazy displays and theme parks and stuff.
Surely you're joking

Addicted to what? Sure he wasn't stealing to resell or trade like most thieves?
I don’t know what he was doing with them, but just go online and search AFOL or Adult Fans of LEGO private collections. And a site called Beyond the Brick. These guys dedicate rooms or wings of the homes or their entire homes to this.$30k ain’t nothing!

Theft for resale is just as likely as theft for personal use I’d guess.

You ask addiction to what? I know a group of idiots who dump shit tons of money into vehicles to see who can crawl over a rock or drive through a mud puddle.
nope lol 😂 but I know 20$ for a box with 50 little mass produced pieces of plastic has to be highway robbery.
What’s not highway robbery anymore? I changed my own damn oil the other day and materials alone were $70. For some mass produced oil and filter.

Side note, I get 30% of LEGO year round and 50% off one day in December. I still don’t buy LEGO for me. 😂
I know a group of idiots who dump shit tons of money into vehicles to see who can crawl over a rock or drive through a mud puddle.
Those mud hole people are mental


What’s not highway robbery anymore? I changed my own damn oil the other day and materials alone were $70. For some mass produced oil and filter.

Side note, I get 30% of LEGO year round and 50% off one day in December. I still don’t buy LEGO for me. 😂
Seems my kids got out of it about as quick as they got into it lol 😂 thankfully
My kids love them and build amazing things they come up with on their own or find on YT. The 8-yo has been building things that transform and says they're better than actual transformer toys because he built them himself. We use them for school. I even have a lovely bouquet of LEGO flowers on my dining table, which means they'll never die. 😆
My kids love them and build amazing things they come up with on their own or find on YT. The 8-yo has been building things that transform and says they're better than actual transformer toys because he built them himself. We use them for school. I even have a lovely bouquet of LEGO flowers on my dining table, which means they'll never die. 😆
A very gifted son of a friend of mine builds model specific fire arms. Down to operating slides bolts and ejecting clips. Not bulky appearing units but scary accurate with some paint would question most cops........and his dad is ex Leo and has warned him numerous times not to be flashing them around.
My kids love them and build amazing things they come up with on their own or find on YT. The 8-yo has been building things that transform and says they're better than actual transformer toys because he built them himself. We use them for school. I even have a lovely bouquet of LEGO flowers on my dining table, which means they'll never die. 😆
A very gifted son of a friend of mine builds model specific fire arms. Down to operating slides bolts and ejecting clips. Not bulky appearing units but scary accurate with some paint would question most cops........and his dad is ex Leo and has warned him numerous times not to be flashing them around.
It would be interesting to know how many architects/engineers/designers started w Lego's.
It’s a sad addiction really. Too many family members have lost love ones to this addiction. We even have havens for the addicted across the globe and we call them “theme parks” I guess I’m kinda like a step up from a street level dealer really.

Oh and someone tell that news reporter that it’s LEGO, not LEGOS! Gonna have to cut her if she doesn’t watch her mouth.
When Jake was young we would always go to the Lego store at Downtown Disney(Disney springs now I think) and do the fill a cup.I always got the side eye from the folks working there cause I wouldnt just grab a hand full and put em in the cup.I would strategically place every piece so there would almost no gaps.
Surely you're joking

Addicted to what? Sure he wasn't stealing to resell or trade like most thieves?
I don’t know what he was doing with them, but just go online and search AFOL or Adult Fans of LEGO private collections. And a site called Beyond the Brick. These guys dedicate rooms or wings of the homes or their entire homes to this.$30k ain’t nothing!

Theft for resale is just as likely as theft for personal use I’d guess.

You ask addiction to what? I know a group of idiots who dump shit tons of money into vehicles to see who can crawl over a rock or drive through a mud puddle.
Not trying to get a pissin match started (it will anyway) but folks that are not in the selling buisness dont fully understand how much money people will spend on shit they dont "need".
It would be interesting to know how many architects/engineers/designers started w Lego's.
A lot.
FIRST Lego League is literally designed to use Lego design in a friendly competition format as a way to get kids into STEM activities. And is very successful at it.
I highly reccomend it for anyone w/ 2-7th graders.