Lots of interesting news today

Trashy people drive Altimas.
My first NEW car was a 1995 Altima

And I bought a 2016 one for my oldest girl when she went to college (she still drives it and it's still technically mine) so..I guess....... :(
Altimas are an enigma.

They were (are) advertised to certain people with strategic dealership locations and favorable payment plans.......so we get the roaming menaces

BUT, they are cheap and dependable......not a bad car to DD if you are smart and thrifty.

V6 Maximas are fast too!

one of the first world's great mysteries

to wit...just this afternoon......they took the time to frame a blank piece of cardboard with a nice frame. I can't even begin to wrap my head around that throught process. It must be super liberating to just not care about anything at all.


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Upside is that New Bern will smell better

I'll take your word for it. I don't think I've ever stopped in New Bern, and haven't even passed through it 15 years or so.

Video doesn't match the description. Dude rolled up fast and raised the hand he HAD the gun instantaneously. The driver never saw the gun swapped to the other hand. From the drivers perspective that gun was coming up to his head. No charges SHOULD be filed PERIOD 🤦🏾‍♂️
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Another dindo nuffin according to his wife.
Not worth loading the app

Can you not screenshot it?
Don't need an app should be able to browse. That's how I posted it

Edit: that seems to be a phone thing, it's kicking over to an app because of age restriction on the video. On a PC it should work fine

BLUF bro had quite the history
Don't need an app should be able to browse. That's how I posted it

Edit: that seems to be a phone thing, it's kicking over to an app because of age restriction on the video. On a PC it should work fine

BLUF bro had quite the history
I figured out if I did NOT click either I could scroll around the popup and see some of the replies.

Sounds like green shirt had pressed his luck several times in the past and was due for ventilation