Lots of interesting news today

Our local Golden Coral is back open. I read that they were closing quite a few though and would not reopen them.
I have enjoyed them at times, but generally find the price a little high, for the amount "I" can eat. I've never been 1 of those that can eat 3 days worth of food, at 1 setting! Thus the price. They don't allow take home, which is fair. I've seen the "All You can eat" joints, go out of business, allowing take home boxes!
Add Chick Fillet to the list, or their parent company. Majority I see, of their business, IS drive-thru. So How has Corona hurt them? :confused:
Way too many middle class white people love their chickin to let that happen.

Ever notice how a CFA can be put in the worst, most awkward place to possibly get in and out of (some joke its a requirement) and yet still be packed all the time?
Local golden corral had a temporary closed sign out for a while. Rode by yesterday and brand signs on the building and sign pole were gone. Just a single closed sign on the pole. Guess this virus is going to kill buffets.
Saw that this morning when I went by it. Too bad. It wasn't as good as others but with a Sr. discount it had enough choices for everyone.
Most don't know this but Golden Corral is privately held and their HQ is in Raleigh and started in Fayetteville. A girl in my MBA program was in marketing there.

I knew a few of their original investors. James Maynard, the founder, took care of every one of them. The originals put in about 5k each. He rewarded them well, made multi-millionaires of them all, when others would have probably dumped them as soon as "his" chain was off the ground, claiming all profits for themselves.