Lots of interesting news today

See, I'm the opposite. Loud is annoying, but a nice quiet whoosh from a turbo car and incessant tire smoke really soothes my soul.
Give me some open headers, enough tire smoke to make the culdesac disappear, and I turn into chris mathews interviewing Obama. I get a tingle down my leg. Could just be pee, but either way, I likes my hot rods.
The lady who organizes the Fayetteville cars and coffee (which is actually in Hope Mills at a movie theater/strip mall, with neighborhood behind it) had business owners and local residents contact the HMPD because every month a select few leave at WOT, burning out or revving. It was mostly 20 or younger and most driving the Camaro, Mustang or Challenger that I'm sure daddy bought and put straight pipes on. The residents didn't like the noise and the business owners didn't like the burnouts in the parking lot and nearly running over customers and their children.

So the lady contacted HMPD and requested a car to make several laps through the parking lot and area while the event was going on and told everyone they will issue tickets if you can't behave. It didn't fix it but it did slow it down.
My renter bought a new boat and truck this year. Both 2020 models. He was late with the rent though:shaking:
Its ok bc hes protected from being evicted
Honestly I view elitism as the strongest trait of modern leftists.

I'll stop owning dogs if POC stop using any white inventions, you know, like cars, and electricity...