Kids are trained to be weaker, by not making them tougher. Things like participation trophies, not having chores, not earning anything, getting away with whatever they want.
These things make them physically and emotionally weaker. While no one wants their kids to fail, if they do not experience failure at a young age, they will not be prepared to handle it at an older age. Just like with any other educational understanding, you have to set the foundation and building blocks early, so they can build and become stronger.
X2, same for me. I received participation awards also, but there was a difference between them and the top awards. They still kept score and awarded people for doing well.
My son is 3 and played soccer last fall. At the end of the season he got a participation award. I knew before hand, and had planned to just discard of it. The coach didn't make a big deal of it, and my kid cared more about the snack he was eating, so I just left it be (for now). If he continues to play sports as he gets older, score will be kept, if only by me and him.