Malaysia MH370

If it hit the water at the speeds necessary to leave radar the way it did..."that large" is probably the size of a basketball at biggest the piece of scrap
but if it was traveling below the radar....say a couple hudred feet above water....isn't it possible that it could have crashed at a lower cruising speed? and not had been as devestating?
but if it was traveling below the radar....say a couple hudred feet above water....isn't it possible that it could have crashed at a lower cruising speed? and not had been as devestating?

anything is "possible" but the last correspondence do not show a decrease in a theory is pilot suicide or failed hijacking leading to plummet. Most mechanical failures that would allow controlled descent wouldn't also destroy transponding capability
anything is "possible" but the last correspondence do not show a decrease in a theory is pilot suicide or failed hijacking leading to plummet. Most mechanical failures that would allow controlled descent wouldn't also destroy transponding capability
Ok so pilot suicide..So, that would leave the inexperienced co pilot to fly the 777...not sure Im buying this....unless right before the the pilot off'd himself, he destroyed the planes controls and flight path and destroyed the transponder....leaving the co pilot with a megaton paper weight
But there is also a transponder system that kicks in if it contacts salt or fresh water which didn't activate. They say that it may have malfunctioned but there's just so many things with this one event that point so something far more sinister. Not the type of thing that is apparent right away either.
Ok so pilot suicide..So, that would leave the inexperienced co pilot to fly the 777...not sure Im buying this....unless right before the the pilot off'd himself, he destroyed the planes controls and flight path and destroyed the transponder....leaving the co pilot with a megaton paper weight

the thought of pilot suicide is the pilot pointed the plane straight into the ocean and committed suicide by plane crash
the thought of pilot suicide is the pilot pointed the plane straight into the ocean and committed suicide by plane crash

Say this did happen, is the 777 capable of descending at the rate necessary to vanish from the radar like it did? I do wonder why the Malaysian police have yet to enter either pilots homes.

Still, I can't buy a pilot with almost 19,000 flight hours doing this. There are too many things that don't add up.


Just a thought here. What if the US Government (or China, or Malaysia, etc.) knows the plane was hijacked, and knows either its whereabouts OR where it could have been going, and is intentionally feeding conflicting information to the press to keep the hijackers unaware of the actual situation at hand? It's pretty obvious at this point that the plane was deliberately flying along known IFR waypoints, which undeniably suggests that a skilled pilot was at the controls. Perhaps all this confusion and random release of information is simply to buy time to either locate the planes actual location, or to formulate a plan to recover the plane and passengers (if the location is already known). Seems to me the logical location for MH370 is Pakistan.

That said, the pilot would have to be extremely skilled, as they would be an instrument rated pilot on a 777. Perhaps someone with nearly 19,000 flight hours and a personal flight simulator built in his living room?
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All I know is my company makes the turbine fins for the I hope it doesn't come back as some sort of corresponding engine failure. But I still say the plane is landed safely on the ground somewhere...can't say so much for the crew or passengers though. The last 4 years I've been in the aerospace industry supplying Boeing, Airbus, the gov't, etc with engines, electronics, interiors, frames, skins, etc...and I've seen every single one of these parts stress tested and tortured like you wouldn't believe. There is fail safe after fail safe after fail safe engineered even in to the food trays...but it really doesn't take a genius to figure any of them out. Even me, a number cruncher, could probably have the critical parts disassembled and de-activated simply knowing what goes in to these bill of materials. The ONLY way this whole thing makes sense to me is the plane was highjacked by someone that knew what they were doing, and they wanted a plane. At this point in time, if we magically come across some sort of debris, I'd be convinced it was planted.
Say this did happen, is the 777 capable of descending at the rate necessary to vanish from the radar like it did? I do wonder why the Malaysian police have yet to enter either pilots homes.

Still, I can't buy a pilot with almost 19,000 flight hours doing this. There are too many things that don't add up.

You do realize it is not unprecedented, right?

Egyptair 990 was a 767 but that is exactly what happened.
You do realize it is not unprecedented, right?

Egyptair 990 was a 767 but that is exactly what happened.

Pilot suicide was never proven. It was speculated, and is the prevailing theory. But yeah, I guess it's still a possibility, but that chance is getting slimmer.
SEPANG, Malaysia — Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 experienced significant changes in altitude after it lost contact with ground control, and altered its course more than once as if still under the command of a pilot, American officials and others familiar with the investigation said Friday.

Radar signals recorded by the Malaysian military appear to show the missing airliner climbing to 45,000 feet, above the approved altitude limit for a Boeing 777-200, soon after it disappeared from civilian radar and made a sharp turn to the west, according to a preliminary assessment by a person familiar with the data.
The simple explanations never seem to hold water when you look at all of the little factors that are involved as well. If a pilot is going to commit suicide by airplane, he wouldn't bother to switch off the transponders. He wouldn't care if his body was ever found, he would just want to be dead. Also, it wouldn't explain why two people with stolen passports bought sequential tickets without anyone raising an eyebrow. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Personally, I think it's just a small pawn in a much bigger game. Question I have is who made that move and what is the next one? (I guess that's two questions)

There is always this possibility:

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Lol No idea... but it made me laugh.
I think a lot of you are still lost on how RADAR services and aviation transponders work.

By turning off a transponder, all you are doing is disabling the "squak code" and encoded altitude signals that are sent to the controlling facility. The terminal radar services STILL read an unknown aircraft "blip" on their screens, but are unsure which aircraft it is since they are no longer squaking.

And yes, radar services are being used in civilian controlled airspace. So even if a pilot ripped the transponder out from the dash, the radar would STILL read a 200 foot wide and 210 ft long "blip," or piece of metal out there at an estimated altitude.
I think a lot of you are still lost on how RADAR services and aviation transponders work.

By turning off a transponder, all you are doing is disabling the "squak code" and encoded altitude signals that are sent to the controlling facility. The terminal radar services STILL read an unknown aircraft "blip" on their screens, but are unsure which aircraft it is since they are no longer squaking.

And yes, radar services are being used in civilian controlled airspace. So even if a pilot ripped the transponder out from the dash, the radar would STILL read a 200 foot wide and 210 ft long "blip," or piece of metal out there at an estimated altitude.

But I radar doesnt cover every least not publically. That is one of the issues here. No oen claism to have radar coverage in the area where the plane was lost. To admit to monitoring this air space by the US, China, Russia would be a pretty major revelation...