Packing heat on campus

Does getting a Permit to carry give you training in a hostage situation? Does it give you training on how to fire on the run? Does it give you training on how to keep your weapon from being taken away?
I don't think students should be allowed to carry. I also agree campus police are pretty much a joke with the Barney syndrome. The solution would be to profile certain individuals to carry. Teachers, admins and such. Heck probably even some janitors. Adults trained, not just permit holders.

i pretty much agree with UPNOVER,they should appoint certain staff members to be armed ,sorta like the airlines with the pilots,becasue as stated several times before, the campus police are jokes,they should send the said staff members to some time of defensive gun training,but what do i know i never went to college
The military will sure as hell give an 18 year old one and tell him to have at it, what's the difference if the 21 year old student has training? None

most 21 y/o college students are pampered little babies that would cry or shoot the innocent girl cause they couldn't hold the gun steady in a panic situation. the Military person has more training for that situation. GENERALLY SPEAKING of course. That's my take.

EDIT: you did say training. so I'll give you that. but how extensive is training for a CC?
I don't think students should be allowed to carry. I also agree campus police are pretty much a joke with the Barney syndrome. The solution would be to profile certain individuals to carry. Teachers, admins and such. Heck probably even some janitors. Adults trained, not just permit holders.


Pol Pot said:
I don't think students should be allowed freedom of speech. I also agree campus professors are pretty much a joke with the Barney syndrome. The solution would be to profile certain individuals to grant freedom of speech. Teachers, admins and such. Heck probably even some janitors. Adults trained and approved by me, not just permit holders.
The military will sure as hell give an 18 year old one and tell him to have at it, what's the difference if the 21 year old student has training? None

Difference being the training. My son at age 17 went to boot camp. HE received his training. HE went to Iraq, he used his training. He was never told to "have at it" as a matter of fact, he was only given live ammunition during training, and when deployed. He was not allowed to carry when on base or off base, except when he was in Iraq. Then, he was required to.
first off i agree 100% that if you have a CW permit you should be able to carry a gun on a campus. it can make anyone who is thinking of doing something like the VT tragedy stop and think that as soon as he pulls out that gun he is going to get shot down before he can even yell something about how life isnt fair and whatever else bullshit he has to say. with that being said tho if a couple thousand students are carrying guns on campus legally, after going through the permitting, whats to stop the few who would carry them illegally for any amount of time and get pissed off and be immature and irresponsible with it. are police going to have to check weapons and permits on every entry onto to campus to keep people like this from being allowed to carry a gun? just something i thought of while reading this thread so feel free to discuss.
The military will sure as hell give an 18 year old one and tell him to have at it, what's the difference if the 21 year old student has training? None

I know you're just making a point, but as a vet, there is a huge difference.. Besides, you can't carry CCW just because you're active duty.
The average eligible college student doesn't have a CCW now. What makes you wizards of crime prevention think that would change? No one here has suggested passing out handguns with every set of dorm keys.
whats to stop the few who would carry them illegally for any amount of time and get pissed off and be immature and irresponsible with it
Nothing, just like there is nothing to stop them now, other than the law which they don't care about.

The only difference is that there would be "thousands" of legal carriers with a chance to defend themselves and others.
i'm just saying, that if you have your CC liscense, you should be allowed to carry on campus. Its stupid to have 3 rentacops running aorund campus during a shootout, not knowing what to do, and me sitting there thinking, i might have possibly been able to stop this 20 mins ago, if I were allowed to carry on campus. Those rentacops arent going to do shit when the going gets tough, plain and simple.
I dont know how the law works when it comes to gaining a concealed weapons permit or what all it takes so that is my ignorance. I agree with yall, let the kids carry weapons if they are allowed to, i think if someone trys to plot against killing a bunch of innocent students they will think twice now b/c of not knowing who is armed. Either way you look at it someone is going to go crazy somewhere and all you can do is hope there is a sane person there to save lives...... Everyone knows the police arent those people!
I also believe students with CC license should be allowed to carry on campus, sure some that have the guns might not have training for hostile situations, but being a college student myself I'd feel a hell of allot safer knowing that myself or others have the means to protect themselves if some crazy person starts shooting.
will@rockbottom, i know what you mean,when you say you dont have time to tear the responses apart. its too much argument for my keyboard to handle.

only a few points that i saw when scrolling:

1. Im in the military (usmc) and the pistol training for CC is far more extensive than the military courses.

2. CC is needed MORE on college campuses than most anywhere else right now, simply because campuses are one of several places that criminals KNOW they can go and not find armed resistors.

3. People (everywhere, not just on the board) need to not talk about a topic they know nothing about. Just because you heard a statistic in the media does not mean you know anything about guns. All the media ever talks about is the spineless liberal points of view anyway. If you just parrot their arguments, you are a tool. If you are going to come up with your own arguments about how bad guns are, they better be darn good ones because i have never heard one that holds water.

4. "It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it." This is true. but what i also believe is that it will be more worth it to me to carry it anyway and risk getting in trouble, then to risk being in a situation where my family could die because of rules made by those who are scared of guns. Im going to carry.

5. I DONT believe that everyone should be armed. I believe that everyone that is properly trained, and WANTS to be armed should have the Right.
by the way,

the 2nd amendment does not GIVE us rights to own guns,but it is only a written recognition of the rights we already have.

All humans have the right to protect themselves. Why should guns be any different than any other weapon? All a gun is is an advanced version of throwing rocks. I can kill someone with just about any object, and if my life was on the line, i would. The government cannot take away our right to defend ourselves, but by restricting guns, they can sure as heck make it hard when we are faced against criminals who have and always will have guns.

Bottom line is if i am ever in a situation where a criminal comes in guns blazing, i hope my CC weapon will save me, AS WELL AS everyone else in the room regardless of whether or not they agree with me carrying it.
I think this should be the deal: You take the class, get the permit, follow the rules (whatever they may be) then fine. As soon as you break a rule and are caught, that should be automatic life in jail.
You know the privilage of carrying and you disobeyed so pay the price!
So let them carry on campus, I think only the anti gun advocate will be the only others to say different.
..If you are going to come up with your own arguments about how bad guns are, they better be darn good ones because i have never heard one that holds water...

Cass, you bring up damn good points that I agree with. I've been back thru this thread and I'm not sure if you were referring to any person(s) in this thread, but no one has said guns are bad.

I know I don't have an issue with guns, hell I own a few myself. What I've seen in this thread is lack of trust in the maturity level of the average college student. That is all. That doesn't mean that there's absolutely no college student that is mature enough, just that on average, from what I saw, nope, I don't have enough faith in them. Been there, seen ones that owned guns and had them....they had no business handling them. And yes, these are the same ones that would get a CC and carry on campus.

Maybe I'm wrong, and yes, I know we're not saying stick guns in the hands of every student. I just don't think the Average Pampered College Student has enough real world street smarts to handle it.

Guns = good, inexperience + weapon = bad
I personally think this is a terrible idea. IMHO VT had all the opp in the world to get rid of this kid. If a kid is talking about shooting people and is mentally ill his ass doesn't need to be in a school period. If someone wants to kill people they will. Some psycho could just as easily throw together a bomb, walk into a school, and boom there goes 4x the people that died at VT. How about the guy that mowed people down @ UNC with a jeep? Guns in hand wouldn't have stopped that. Plans weren't structured at VT and many lives were lost b/c of it not only from letting the kid be a farking psycho on campus but also by not doing what should have been done after the shootings began. Give these kids a psychiatric exam or something. Am I saying b/c your f'd in the head you shouldn't goto college? NOPE! Take online courses and keep your psycho asses away from my kids. The real problem is these kids aren't getting their asses whipped when they are young.
and as this topic goes on yet another attempted robbery on States campus...

On Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at approximately 11:00 pm, a subject reported an attempted robbery near Doak Baseball Stadium. The victim was approached by the suspect, who assaulted him from behind and demanded his property. The victim resisted the suspect, and the suspect fled the
scene without taking any property.

I think this is close to 5 or 6 since January... I don't think many people realize the problem with States Campus at night, its big, its dark, and anyone can be on it, theres nothing keeping non-students from being there. I actually didn't scheduled a class I need because the only time I could take it was at night, I will not walk across Campus at night until I'm allowed to bring something to defend myself
I personally think this is a terrible idea. IMHO VT had all the opp in the world to get rid of this kid. If a kid is talking about shooting people and is mentally ill his ass doesn't need to be in a school period. If someone wants to kill people they will. Some psycho could just as easily throw together a bomb, walk into a school, and boom there goes 4x the people that died at VT. How about the guy that mowed people down @ UNC with a jeep? Guns in hand wouldn't have stopped that. Plans weren't structured at VT and many lives were lost b/c of it not only from letting the kid be a farking psycho on campus but also by not doing what should have been done after the shootings began. Give these kids a psychiatric exam or something. Am I saying b/c your f'd in the head you shouldn't goto college? NOPE! Take online courses and keep your psycho asses away from my kids. The real problem is these kids aren't getting their asses whipped when they are young.

I know most people are talking about preventing the big one, mostly I wanna stop some thug from taking my shit, I do not want to be a victim, nor do I wanna let that person steal or harm anyone else.
^we never really had those probs. All of our probs were really off campus. Problem with that was that most kids walking off campus late at night over the age of 21 are going out to drink and don't need to be concealed anyways. You can't go into the bars packing therefore you really can't walk to them packing either. The real solution is more of a campus police presence. I might have seen 1 cop a day when I was in school and that between 4 or 5 classes. At night you would see them in their cars rolling around. I wanna see them ninja style in the trees waiting to strike. Or more cameras would be nice also

I know most people are talking about preventing the big one, mostly I wanna stop some thug from taking my shit, I do not want to be a victim, nor do I wanna let that person steal or harm anyone else.

Gotta learn man. I always took 4 things to the bars or around campus..........
1)a copy of my house key that I kept on a sep keychain
2)my id
3)my debit card
4)my cell

if I were to get jumped by 40 ninja thugs and I didn't have the chance to chuck norris them they get away with a copy of my house key. Unless they beat me home I'm having that mofo changed the next day. They get my id.....not great but owell. My cell phone. I personally have a piece of crap cell phone.......they can have it. My debit cash!. They can't get to the atm by the time I call my bank. Take the long shot that you get mugged. They just got a 50 dollar phone and it will cost me alil to have the locks changed. Not anywhere close to as bad as it could be. For the girls they need to stop walking around alone. At ECU theres a sex assult every other day but in all honesty girls walking around alone at 3am 2 miles from the ghetto isn't very intelligent.
yes, but there is twice the greenville police, and over trice the on campus police around at night at ECU. I would much rather walk accross ECUs campus at night, than i would State. 90% of the assaults are inside buildings, houses, dorms etc.

Take the CC class, get the liscense, carry all you want. I hope you never have the need for it, but i'm glad that you would have it. If you screw up, thats your fault, and hopefully no one is hurt, and you were only trying to prevent something from happening. As long as no one is hurt, everything is fine. How many times do the police pull there gun, as a sign of force, without the intention of shooting someone. Same as people being allowed to carry on campus, some of these shootout could have been avoided from the get go
I just want every chance and opportunity that I can get to protect myself in the time of a crisis. If you are against the carry, then dont carry. If a dude walks into my classroom, holding a gun saying hes going to kill everyone, i at least want the chance to put 3 slugs center mass. Instead i would be crouching on the floor wishing I had my gun.