Pictures of your Furry Friends.

Tilley living her best life as a 10 week puppy. FYI she likes the water and digging holes


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Got a new buddy. His name is Roscoe. He was one of the “Virginia Beagles”. A bit of a hot mess due to his background as a research animal. He has found his forever home now.


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My daughter's fish died, so I ordered her something fun. A "Glo Shark". (It's a fancy carp minnow with a flourescent gene.)

It's a bit pale from its stressful over night trip across country from California... should brighten up in a couple of days. Considering how big they can get, I see a 50 gallon tank in our future.
Hate to be a Debbie downer, but many of you know Sarge from the ECORS days. He has been acting strange for a couple weeks, then on Friday basically started dragging his back legs some, no strength in them. Was way worse on Saturday, then Sunday, took him to the vet this morning. I got a (very) short walk in the woods with him yesterday morning, he walked around the yard some yesterday as well. Today he couldn't stand up at all without assistance.

Absolutely crazy how fast it happened. He would have been 12 on Christmas Eve, and has never shown any real signs of his age.

Was a great dog @UncleWillie
@Jody Treadway now you will have to ask how Rebecca and I are doing instead of Sarge 😀
