Pictures of your Furry Friends.

Newest babies in the family.
Cleopatra, Qeeen of Denial (Cleo). Born April 15th, became a member of the family last week, And is making extensive use of that expression of denial during house training :)


Poor abused puppers…why won’t you get her a bed of her own…haha.
Oh, wait, you were meaning the 4 cooling gel memory foam dog beds around the living room that they don’t use. The struggle is real I’m telling you! Those damn Ashley couches are ruff, yet here she is along with the others who do the same darn thing. Lmao
Have to be careful letting Sarge off leash when going in the woods, he turns his ears off and sometimes ends up exploring for hours. With 90° temps he didn't seem to care anything about exploring the other day when I took him on a short walk (as in 1/4 mile in total), just wanted to get back in the basement 😆