Portable generators.....

Regarding code.
The generator only has to carry everything connected if its an ATS. For a MTS , no code issue with connecting a 7kw to a 400a service.

Btw the need for a 400 resi service doesn't exist below about 5000 sqft min.

Whole house 200a Mts, with a cam lock or other quick connect plug wired into the emergency side. Outdoor rated cane and plug and a weatherproof connection on the mts.

More expensive than a red neck connect (dryer/welder /compressor ) but safer, more idiot proof, and code compliant if that's a concern .

I did this in the last house and I will be doing this in the new house. Manual transfer switch for the whole 200 amp service, that way if I get a larger one in the future I can hook it up and I can pick and choose what to turn on in the house with the already existing panel. I'm also going to wire up a indicator light to come on when the normal power comes back on so I can look outside and easily see if the power has been restored. (Meter and Sub panel are outside, main panel for house is fed from sub panel outside under the meter)