Shop night at the In-laws. The "other" family.
Those here who frequent the NC4X4 Garage are probably aware of my current situation. Alcohol related charges suck. It's the most stressful and expensive fling I've ever... flung? Idk...
So as part of my court sentence, the state of Georgia put me on a flexible 3-12 probation, given that I complete some things. The last hurdle for me to jump through is a GA school for correcting bad habits and shit. Covid just had to complicate things as well. My in-laws were gracious enough to loan me a laptop with front facing camera with functional speakers and Wifi (things I don't currently have at my house), so I can complete this 20 hr course completely online. Woosah.... So all I have to do is show up and crash at their farm for three days and do some good ole facetime with some fellow party animals that ran into some bad luck like I did. Sounds easy enough. Well, it didn't exactly work. Being in an area thats hard to locate on a map combined with a Tornado warning, means that the signal for a zoom course was gonna be difficult. Yeah, it didn't work. But, driving there in person to the GA school will. Next weekend and a cheap rental car means problem solved, and I can finally kick this probation officer our of my bed and get back to peace of mind. So for the time being, despite a failed attempt to make headway with the online DUI school, I'd take this opportunity to spend some quality time with the folks my little sister married into 13 years ago. THE Inabinet family.
My brother in-law I properly nicknamed "Whiskey" years ago back when he was dating my sister (It's a long story

) knows I'm a fool for a good shop night and a place to crash. And good Lord, do they have some cool toys to play with.
A 700cc Honda 4 stroke in a Go-cart? Sure why not. Papa Charlie is a madman.
Then I find a diamond. I've been tossing around ideas of starting a new project just to keep my hands busy. The Jeep needs little to nothing nowadays aside from minor pitt stop repairs, and I'm getting bored. I could be wrong, but I do think this may be an '81 HD Sportster 5 883 Milwaukee edition. I couldn't resist to offer a few dollars. I fell in love so fast all I could do was throw the tarp back on it before I was head over heels. I mean, gas prices aren't going down anytime soon. I'd love a new addiction and more reasons to stay up all night again.
I wake up this morning moderately hungover covered in kittens. I ended up sleeping on my sister's couch. My two little nieces loved having uncle "Rahrah" stay the night singing country music with them. I love my family to death. My sister is still after 30+ years my best friend. Her daughters are little angels. Her husband is one my best friends. His family is mine.
I left Orangeburg around noon today, stopped by the casa in Cola to pick up my ladder and tools to head up to my friend Mr Claude's place on the Broad river 80 miles away to stay the night. Like I promised him, I'll help him revive the old bar. It's of my fondest memories from childhood. The 100+ year old general store is about to come back to life. One day at a time. This project will be going on for a WHILE. Waiting on some rowdy locals to show up and drink some cold ones by the fire currently. Tomorrow morning, it's a full day of work just to get the ball rolling. This project will probably extend into the summer.
Looks like I'll be renting a car and roadtripping to Marietta Georgia next weekend. I'm ready for the bullshit to be over.