Yes folks can pay at the gate,since registration been slow.
Drivers meeting is at 9am,this is when we'll draw starting/running order.So be early.
Once you get there you'll be funneled down the gravel drive to the tower,this is where spectators will go right into the grass parking area and racers/rigs etc will pull forward past the tower and "pit road" etc will be setup down the long back stretch..........for direction when there look for the isuzu's there will be a pack of us
so that means you have a 1 in 3 odds of winning a trophy.
Heck that's good odds for the Isuzu folks........we can all bring home a trophy

Another thing a local jeep on 38's attempted the tire mountain,
he got a tire on it and said "the person with the biggest balls,will be the only one able to do this"

Let's have fun

Friday night they will have a big sign lit up at the road for late comers.
Eh Tennbronco you bringing firewood,for the fire
your going to keep going all night

I might be able to come up with some..........still gotta fix the truck so I can break it this's a vicious cycle