Random pic thread.

No breaks and it fits in your hand nicely with a worn place for your thumb. Maybe it was used as a hand scrape tool?

And here others I found as a kid at either my grandparents field when they plowed it or at boy scout camp. The small square peices we called "Indian money" not sure if that is correct or not.
This is an excellent point.

That's early Archaic (6,000-8,000 BC). It's what's referred to as a blunt tip. Usually it would start as a much longer point, and as it lost it's edge over time would be reworked or resharpened until it got down so small it needed to be discarded. Depending on rock type, it would've lasted several generations of use. Every one of those are fascinating. Heck yeah.
This is an excellent point.
View attachment 359085
That's early Archaic (6,000-8,000 BC). It's what's referred to as a blunt tip. Usually it would start as a much longer point, and as it lost it's edge over time would be reworked or resharpened until it got down so small it needed to be discarded. Depending on rock type, it would've lasted several generations of use. Every one of those are fascinating. Heck yeah.

White one in the middle is like that. This perfect little chunk of white quartz served it's owner(s) for a very long time.
Friends had this happen couple days ago when we had some flash flooding.It buckled almost the entire 36' of the bottom. They own the local pipe yard but he said it may be 5 month before he can get a replacement.

View attachment 359086

I feel like there’s an opportunity here for Coleman….

“Sure, your cooler can keep ice cold for days, but can it help wreck a 36’ long culvert?”
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So any old oil-burning car would smell like pumpkin spice.
So how do you get that out of that mess? I would think chain and excavator after digging it out... Were they trying to accomplish something or just messing around?
I was there about 4;30/5.just after dude got it stuck and they (the renters) were tryin to get it out.The cops showed up shortly after.The story today was that after the county brought in the third piece of equip they finally got it out about midnight.The whole
story is that dude stole it from the county off a job site.Dude I know rented it to use for a few days at his recycling place.The dude that stole the machine.for whatever reason.thought goin thru there is/was a short cut and got it stuck.Stealer dude bailed after about 10 mins of trying to get it out.
List it for 6g on marketplace and wait for the bidding war to start
No thanks,I get enuf hate from FB and the folks on MP the way it is.For some reason they seem to think I care about what they think.:laughing:
I was there about 4;30/5.just after dude got it stuck and they (the renters) were tryin to get it out.The cops showed up shortly after.The story today was that after the county brought in the third piece of equip they finally got it out about midnight.The whole
story is that dude stole it from the county off a job site.Dude I know rented it to use for a few days at his recycling place.The dude that stole the machine.for whatever reason.thought goin thru there is/was a short cut and got it stuck.Stealer dude bailed after about 10 mins of trying to get it out.
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