Random pic thread.

Now everyone on the forum will have to have a flatbed with an open air shitter because you have one. Haha
Hillbilly deluxe!
Last Saturday @TARider and I burned close to 300 miles on two wheels.


First stop was a general store in Union Grove for a snack and to browse the knives and pew-pews.


Then on to The Bluffs restaurant on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Has a cool history, unfortunately for them a lot of the Parkway near the, is closed for construction so business is slow.


There’s also an abandoned motel there. I would love to have a time machine and go back to see it in its prime.


From there we headed south thru Boone and Banner Elk towards Linville to hit 181. We made a little detour on a dirt road. This picture was taken above 4000’. It was 72F at 2pm there. When we got back to Concord at 4pm it was 94F.
Getting into the hog business with my neighbors. They have the pen, I have the feed source. Immediately wondering why these folks are giving us the entire herd.... This is the herd we're getting. These jokers are darn near feral. We caught some little ones tonight. Going to try to get the rest tomorrow. We've got our work cut out for us. No males are cut yet.....

I thought this was interesting. This is 5MB of data on 62,500 punch cards in 1955. So pretty much an e-mail attachment to send someone a random pic now days I guess.

View attachment 402249
Probably not the same but I have one from my grandfather's time in the Army during WWII. Would love to know what it says/means.





Got home last night from another PA trip.On Tues I saw this car at one of our pickups.Not sure when its being auctioned but i thought it just ugly enuf to be cool.




Last Saturday @TARider and I burned close to 300 miles on two wheels.

View attachment 402359

First stop was a general store in Union Grove for a snack and to browse the knives and pew-pews.

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Then on to The Bluffs restaurant on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Has a cool history, unfortunately for them a lot of the Parkway near the, is closed for construction so business is slow.

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There’s also an abandoned motel there. I would love to have a time machine and go back to see it in its prime.

View attachment 402356

From there we headed south thru Boone and Banner Elk towards Linville to hit 181. We made a little detour on a dirt road. This picture was taken above 4000’. It was 72F at 2pm there. When we got back to Concord at 4pm it was 94F.
View attachment 402358
Y'all was 10 minutes from the house. That little general store is pretty neat. Looks like a fun route. I need to show it to my son.
Getting into the hog business with my neighbors. They have the pen, I have the feed source. Immediately wondering why these folks are giving us the entire herd.... This is the herd we're getting. These jokers are darn near feral. We caught some little ones tonight. Going to try to get the rest tomorrow. We've got our work cut out for us. No males are cut yet.....

View attachment 402369
I would cull the mature boars as fast as possible (probably just for sausage depending on if you can establish age). Cull sows based on same guidelines and let the littles build your herd. Otherwise you’ll have pigs coming out your ears and eating you out of house and home real quick. If they are “domesticated” I wouldn’t worry about cutting the boars prior to butcher if they are just going to butcher for sausage. Butchering for actual cut meat depending on their age could be a crap shoot for toughness and quality. (Anything over 2.5-3 yrs old for long nose hog, Kune Kune are a different story based on their growth patterns)
Classic case of “shoulda hit it faster…”

Also, one of the magazines made a nice, ironic nameplate for my shop :laughing:
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Wife's running the Grandfurther race today. Up the profile trail from 105.
Total bad ass chick.
On the other hand, I'm walking the dogs 😂
View attachment 402389
Profile trail is no joke! That last section of boulders is brutal. Wife and I in our younger days, hiked it lucky to find a ride down, otherwise would have been hiking down it in the cold and dark.
She is a bad ass!
Profile trail is no joke! That last section of boulders is brutal. Wife and I in our younger days, hiked it lucky to find a ride down, otherwise would have been hiking down it in the cold and dark.
She is a bad ass!
She's been training like mad for it. She's fully ready and feeling great. I'm super proud of her.
Wife's running the Grandfurther race today. Up the profile trail from 105.
Total bad ass chick.
On the other hand, I'm walking the dogs 😂
View attachment 402389
The actual trail?
That's bad ass, but as a purist an absolute trash way to treat the mountain. Hikers yes. Rows of contestants all beating the same path and causing more impact in a few moments what occurs in maybe a week, month, or season?
Hope it's dry.
Hope it raise a bunch of real money for trail management.
The actual trail?
That's bad ass, but as a purist an absolute trash way to treat the mountain. Hikers yes. Rows of contestants all beating the same path and causing more impact in a few moments what occurs in maybe a week, month, or season?
Hope it's dry.
Hope it raise a bunch of real money for trail management.
As a purist, there should be no trails or parking lot or roads on it either. Just a pull off at the bottom and a sign that says good luck.
The actual trail?
That's bad ass, but as a purist an absolute trash way to treat the mountain. Hikers yes. Rows of contestants all beating the same path and causing more impact in a few moments what occurs in maybe a week, month, or season?
Hope it's dry.
Hope it raise a bunch of real money for trail management.
They start at the Profile Trail parking area near the Lowes Food. All existing trail, no new stuff.
14 miles and 5k ish elevation gain.
Trail conditions dry as @shawn sense of humor.
You're selected via lottery to be able to run the race. Proceeds go to FS and parking spots at the trailhead are "sold" day of race to offset funding for additional first responder presence.
There's a lot of studies on the subject of damage caused by foot traffic vs equestrian vs bike traffic. I'm of the persuasion that as a responsible tax paying owner of our public lands, using them in proper conditions in a manner that embraces stewardship, is just fine.
No I don't ride my bike or hike in wet conditions.

Edit: at 1015 she was at mile 7.3 and kicking ass.
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They start at the Profile Trail parking area near the Lowes Food. All existing trail, no new stuff.
14 miles and 5k ish elevation gain.
Trail conditions dry as @shawn sense of humor.
You're selected via lottery to be able to run the race. Proceeds go to FS and parking spots at the trailhead are "sold" day of race to offset funding for additional first responder presence.
There's a lot of studies on the subject of damage caused by foot traffic vs equestrian vs bike traffic. I'm of the persuasion that as a responsible tax paying owner of our public lands, using them in proper conditions in a manner that embraces stewardship, is just fine.
Do I don't ride my bike or hike in wet conditions.

Edit: at 1015 she was at mile 7.3 and kicking ass.
I agree with this approach. The idea of selling out spots as a money maker in fund raising is spot on. Private organization to hire out a venue for profit.....not so much. If it's like you stated they most likely had rain dates as well. I admire large mountain bike venues when they shut it down do to over saturated trails. If folks had half as much respect in off road use we may have a slim chance at more recreational areas.