Random pic thread.

I thought this was interesting. This is 5MB of data on 62,500 punch cards in 1955. So pretty much an e-mail attachment to send someone a random pic now days I guess.

I thought this was interesting. This is 5MB of data on 62,500 punch cards in 1955. So pretty much an e-mail attachment to send someone a random pic now days I guess.

View attachment 402249
I can’t even imagine getting all of that on my door step just to get a nood of your sister 😂😂😂😂

Seriously just kidding but it amazes me at the age of 41 how much tech has exploded in just my lifetime. And, at the same time, it’s scary too.
Dad's dissertation was on IBM punch cards, and I played with them and got them all out of order, circa 1975 or so..... oops.
Been there, done that.

When I was in college, I was taking a FORTRAN class. I had just spent 5 long hours at the punch card terminal for an assignment, had all my cards in a shoebox to go run the batch and dropped the shoebox. Cards everywhere. The only saving grace was I had numbered them after taking the card from the machine. It took over an hour to reorder them to run the batch.

I didn't figure out how to get a photo from the clip......but this 911 themed buggy just looks good to me. The proportions don't scream assault moon buggy.

I didn't figure out how to get a photo from the clip......but this 911 themed buggy just looks good to me. The proportions don't scream assault moon buggy.

Damnit... I didn't need to see this
I can’t even imagine getting all of that on my door step just to get a nood of your sister 😂😂😂😂

Seriously just kidding but it amazes me at the age of 41 how much tech has exploded in just my lifetime. And, at the same time, it’s scary too.

I remember my first computer.
A VIC-20. No monitor ..... used the family TV.
I spent hours in basic typing in a program just to make a stick figure jump up-n-down.
Then lose it all when the computer was tuned off.
The computer was 300 bucks .... could buy a house for what the memory cost.
The cassette tape memory was junk.
Caught a chicken killer red handed in the pen last night. Went to the bathroom right before bed and heard my mama chicken making a fuss through the bathroom window. Grabbed my .22 pistol and a spotlight and figured I'd catch something snooping around the pen. Damn coon had found a hole in the netting that I hadn't secured well enough. She tried to escape up the corner post but the net held her long enough for me to get there.

"New" trailer. 28' camper frame. And yes, we went over it with a magnet and then a leaf blower.

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