Random pic thread.

Fought this bead for 15mins before putting my thinking cap on. Went way better with the bucket. No idea how long the tires have been on. I bought the four wheeler used in 2016 with these tires on it. 1/2 gal of slime in each tire didn't make the process more enjoyable to say the least.


Fought this bead for 15mins before putting my thinking cap on. Went way better with the bucket. No idea how long the tires have been on. I bought the four wheeler used in 2016 with these tires on it. 1/2 gal of slime in each tire didn't make the process more enjoyable to say the least.

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Dad just won the same battle with his backhoe tire using the bulldozer blade.
Just saw this on facebook. Post from our (Lee) county parks and rec. "FAMILY" movie night at the park. I didn't realize Dirty Dancing was a kid's movie...

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Honestly, it looks like they're trying to offer a little something fir every family. I probably watched that movie at maybe 12? Still one of my favorites!
Wth are these? Starlink or whatever it is? They seemed pretty stationary for a couple minutes, then seemed to haul arse across the sky.

Update- definitely starlink. Still not sure why they were stationary, then moving quickly.


230+ miles of 2-wheel therapy today. 68 degrees at the cabin near Jonas Ridge this afternoon, I didn’t want to come home!

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Jonas Ridge, beautiful area, we used to rent a cabin 1 house from the top. (Probably more now)
Top of the Mountain, there is a picnic table,, and used to be a cedar trunk that was used as a flag pole by the Boy Scouts, may or may not be there now. You can see Grand Father mountain from there and Linville is just around the corner on the back side.
Wth are these? Starlink or whatever it is? They seemed pretty stationary for a couple minutes, then seemed to haul arse across the sky.

Update- definitely starlink. Still not sure why they were stationary, then moving quickly.

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I saw that the other night as well. Apparently thats the way they deploy and eventually they all break away and go their own direction or something like that. Its pretty surreal to see it in real life.