Random pic thread.

Had this made for my Bronco back in the early 2000's :laughing:


@Blaze you can appreciate this :huggy:
If it don’t sit right it don’t shit right!!
But he's getting a false sense of security because the toilet is on a base in that bay...He'll think he's got a great position and get home to realize he's lower than in the store and have to return it for an ADA height :laughing::stirthepot:
Finally got around to the 8N that's been sitting around for a few years. Motor was stuck, but didn't seem locked solid. A quick ride on the road with some atf down the sparkplug holes and it's spinning free. Wife's first time driving a tractor. Didn't kill anybody and all structures are still standing, so she did alright.

He ain't even got the seat down. Dude is raw doggin that bowl!
Ever honked out a dirt snake in a Honduran hot box? There's no such thing a a "seat" :laughing:


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Why does a shower head need electrons?
If you were BRAVE enough....you flicked the switch and it was an instantaneous water heater. But since the water tank was on the roof of the hotel (I use that word loosely...see pic below) and it was BLACK, as long as you took an evening shower, the water was a toasty 100 degrees from the sun being 478x closer to the earth down there :laughing:

"Hotel" for reference
