I have lots of tattoo work, but no face or neck, and no piercings. Even as heavily covered as I am I still look at people with neck/face tattoos and tons of metal in their face oddly and have a hard time taking them seriously or thinking about hiring them.
Though I still occasionally have some smart ass ask me how I like flipping burgers for a career since my hands are tattooed. It's usually some stuck up soccer mom or some dick bag yuppie. *I don't flip burgers by the way*
Why do people ship heavy metal objects in flat rate boxes without the proper packaging and tape? There is a horizontal milling arbor on the floor in some random post office right now.
This was my trial run for this brand and I'll say I'm impressed. My 17 Husqvarna is down currently. For a $200 20" chainsaw I'd say the Remington is a good buy. It's been going strong all day long.
Congrats man, you've skinnied up a bit since I last saw ya. I've run 2 but they had beer events in the middle and at the end. Last one was kegs 'n' k's
Straight out of the box.. about $880 kit, you'd think they'd packed it better. Still wondering what that little broken plastic piece is. It worked and was 3 days out FDO expedited for another. SMH. Saved the box for this one.
Rode up Daniel on my YZ450 earlier this year. Got to the ledge to park for a minute and watch carnage, when we rolled up on some in progress. (2) 4-wheelers were there, one up over the ledge but in the hole facing UP and one waiting. The one waiting was a 2-seat polaris with a goldwing type windscreen, The one onver the ledge and in the hole was a 3 day old Polaris Scrambler 1000, that......had just did a complete flip over backwards attempting to get out of the hole after the ledge
I took a closer look and yep...bent bars, busted plastics, and a pissed off owner. He finally got up the notched section and kept going....his buddy in the 2-seater took the illegal shortcut