Random pic thread.

I didn't go down. We rode everything but that last section of Daniel and half of dickie bell. I rolled pretty bad on dickie bell last year and still haven't sacked up enough to hit it again.
Supermoon pic at my house

Wifey was working on some Christmas decorations yesterday. Since I'm running one handed right now, it was a good opportunity to teach her how to use the miter saw, drill press, and wire cutters. She asked if I had any solid wire about 1/16" diameter, and I said "excuse me while I whip this out!" (And she finally understands why I have a TIG welder) She cut and drilled everything herself, and bent/twisted all the wire. Ornaments are 3/32" aluminum filler wire, and the tree is 1/16" steel. She even measured the drill and tig wire with calipers with out me having to explain.
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Wifey was working on some Christmas decorations yesterday. Since I'm running one handed right now, it was a good opportunity to teach her how to use the miter saw, drill press, and wire cutters. She asked if I had any solid wire about 1/16" diameter, and I said "excuse me while I whip this out!" (And she finally understands why I have a TIG welder) She cut and drilled everything herself, and bent/twisted all the wire. Ornaments are 3/32" aluminum filler wire, and the tree is 1/16" steel. She even measured the drill and tig wire with calipers with out me having to explain.
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Has she done anything with the crates yet?
Only got 4 more buildings to do when we finish this one
I can handle it if don't like mayo...just don't tell me you like Miracle Whip instead.

Might as well tell me you just voted for Hillary too :D
Hell no! Mayo is flat nasty.
A couple Lowe's parking lot finds tonight. The phone was on the bumper and ended up being a boy I knew.....he said it must have made the 10 mile trek without falling off. I wanted to answer it when it started ringing and "My Lover" came up on the display.

The credit card looked brand-hammer new...and yes I turned it in. I think I'll go back tomorrow and see if I can find some folding money. :cool:
