Random pic thread.

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Bunch of pull a part savages.
I say that all the time. I'll walk into the GM section hoping to find a complete LS engine with everything on it and of course....

One day it took me looking under 14 hoods to find one LS harness that had not been cut. How hard is it to unplug something???
I always wonder about the sanitary-ness of those covers. Hard plastic and ceramic aren't comfy but I know they don't absorb any microorganisms, pee-funk or any other genetal-associated icky stuff
No need to wonder... that's why they're only used at your grandma's house. Everywhere else has sacrificed comfort for cleanliness.
Bringatrailer just reminds that I'm small potatoes. If you like that stuff, you need to b
e checking out oldparkedcars.com

i can't afford any of that stuff, it just happened to cross my path yesterday.
Was there no wind back then? I was on a rickety aluminum ladder yesterday taking down the Christmas decorations off the house and got freaked out with the 40 mph wind gusts moving me and my ladder around. I can't imagine what that would do there.....
Their balls were larger and hung lower back then
Last year I split a bunch of fatwood/rich heart pine for fire starters. The wood was cut off a small log and stump on the property. I brought some in today and found this gem. Never noticed it while I was splitting. Looks to be 30.06 or similar. That's the popular rifle we all use here.
Im sure some here have saw these before but I saw this "bomb buggy"yesterday while I was out and about.King coilovers and beadlock wheels??? Our tax dollars at work:rolleyes:
Man that would be killer to take to swap meets and haul your parts with it.
Hook it behind your rascal???

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really was a shame. It was '83, with ac. It had a pretty sweet air tank rear bumper. I gotta say, there are some quick movers in the Charlotte Toyota parts game. I went two days in a row and someone snagged 5 third members outta 4runners before 3 o'clock the second day. @benXJ