Random pic thread.

Worked on painting the school spirit rock for my daughter's 16th. View attachment 234301 View attachment 234303
Went to pick up my daughter after school and a rival team has repainted the rock. I'm so pissed. I'm assuming by now (8pm) it has been fixed back to school colors. I'll be back after the kids go to bed to fix this little problem!
@GotWood somebody got some new shoes and just in time.

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I would have figured it was either sold or lifted by now! I wish I had that one back. Damn new house!
Nah unfortunately lifted jeeps aint his thing :shaking: and I wasn't gonna waste the $$$ if he didn't want it.Its a short timer around here though,he's almost 6'4 now and has to bend in half to get in it.I knew that would happen when we bought it.I did get him some subs and an amp for Christmas and put in it.:rockon:
wife left out this morning to run 20 miles in preparation for Mt Mitchell marathon next month. It was 6 degrees when she left at 8 am...

I stayed w kids who wanted my homemade pancakes and some fresh eggs from the coop.


With a woodstove full of locust, I was dad of the day!
If its not park and reverse somebody may have to explain the joke to me.
This time last year when I was in welding school and it was bone chilling cold we would all either find a booth that someone was sheilded flux core welding in or fire up a few torches. One of the downsides of going to night class. It got crazy cold!!! The big guy on the left is the instructor.