Random pic thread.

Scored this today. Excellent condition and nearly free :D

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Looks like one of those meals that you over pay for and have to stop at McDonalds on the way home to get full.

If that, plus an appetizer and dessert don't add up to enough food, you probably need to work on your portion size. ;)

That looks like a decently solid chunk of meat judging from the wine glass in the background, and just the blue cheese is probably half a day's worth of calories (I'm exaggerating).

I'd eat it.
I'm putting that in the 6 ounce filet range.

I'll take 3 please, 4 if I am hungry. You can keep the blue cheese, I dont see any hot wings around. Uit trying so hard foodies. If you cook a chunk of steak properly it doesnt need garnishes or decorations.
If you cook a chunk of steak properly it doesnt need garnishes or decorations.

Main reason I stopped going to steak houses (with the exception of a few)...seemed like they were all compensating for their inability to cook a steak with some kind of topping/seasoning...and if they didn't, I generally ended up asking for A1. I'm not going to pay $30-50 for a piece of meat that needs to be doctored up. If I wanted that, I'd go with the $12 burger instead.
If that, plus an appetizer and dessert don't add up to enough food, you probably need to work on your portion size. ;)

That looks like a decently solid chunk of meat judging from the wine glass in the background, and just the blue cheese is probably half a day's worth of calories (I'm exaggerating).

I'd eat it.
Around here an apitizer is split at least two ways,usually three, and we rarely get a desert so yeah that wouldn't be enuf.
And people wonder why Americans are fat

Aint no wonder here, chief.
I am fat because I like to eat and drink...I wish that werent the case. I wish I wasnt fat. But I dont want to be unfat enough to not eat and drink, apparently.
What land are you referencing?

Roxanne quimbly

From Wikipedia:
After turning Burt's Bees over to outside investors, she used her new fortune to deepen her long running conservation advocacy. The most visible action was the purchase of over 120,000 acres of Maine forest, which she then placed off limits to hunters, loggers, and other users. She has since proposed a donation of 70,000 acres of her land towards a new National Park located in Maine. An additional donation of 30,000 acres would be managed like a state park and would allow activities such as hunting and snowmobiling.[6] This plan is controversial to some Mainers, including Maine Governor Paul LePageand Maine senators Angus King and Susan Collins.[10]
the Steak was AWESOME.. yes smaller portion size but I was full when I was done..

Yes also way over priced but I was not paying