Random pic thread.

A King Midget spotted in Hendersonville Saturday. I had never seen one of these before and thought it was pretty cool. Briggs and Stratton engine. Guy said top speed was 60 and when I asked him how it felt going 60 in it he just laughed. He even had his "build" notebook and took the time to share with us.

Are those like 18" diameter tires?
What's the big white tube in the P-side fender?
(took me a minute to realize the engine is in the back)
The runner's squirts are a real thing.
Had a friend years ago who was a collegiate distance runner. He used to always tell this story about the time he was running in a tight pack and blew ass. Of course he was wearing track shorts and shit flew everywhere. He said it was all down his legs and feet which caused him to sling it on other runners who were in range. He finished the race covered in shit. If I remember correctly he placed. Slinging turds everywhere probably helped.
Wtf Germany?

Porsche quoted me $1200 for new front rotors and pads and sensors. So I picked up the parts myself for like $300 and went to swap them this weekend and found out it requires two tools I do not have... and neither does Lowes or Autozone: M14 socket and a 10pt 19mm caliper socket. Hitting up Amazon I guess, but what a pain.

View attachment 245597
Hit up eurowise in charlotte they can handle anything from vw's to lambos next time you need some work done! My buddy Mike owns the shop

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Re: the apartments/townhouses being built next to us....sorry, but no pics this time.

I've been noticing this the last week or so....I've been working outside a lot, and seen this about 4 out of 7 days.... This one messican is the last to leave the job site every day, right about this time (8:15pm). His truck is there all day, every day. But he's last to leave....and always has lumber or plywood on the truck. Never comes in with a load in the a.m.....I think he's building a house, on the bosses' dollar.

Today, it was about 10 2x6x16's.

Not my problem. Just funny.
My $100 lawnmower got treated to a new factory carb and has been running like a top. Tried out the bagger today and it worked like a champ. Pig and chickens got fresh clippings with very little effort on my behalf.

When I went to empty the bags I'd circle around and let my mini me drive to the coop
