Random pic thread.

Since I know you're trying to improve your diet, I have to add the following. Don't take it the wrong way buddy.
Do you always eat candy bars first first thing in the am? Look at the sugars in that Cliff bar. Might as well have a Snickers.
Instead have some good slow digesting protein like a couple of eggs or plain Jane unflavored Greek yogurt. The protein will keep you fuller longer and won't have the adverse effects the sugars will.
If memory serves, Cliff bars have about 16 grams of sugar. Your daily allowance should be close to 25, 30 max. So you're over 50% your allowance first thing with little nutritional gain.

Going to really have to get it together.
Is there a baseline for this? I'm short and fat, so I don't wanna die from starvation. Judging by my weight, I should eat a lot. Judging by my height, I should pretty much not eat.

Google bmi chart.

As I explained it to my son. Your 4 foot. I'm 5-11. How much bigger are my organs compared to yours?
I'm guessing somebody that can eat 6 meals a day works in a office. Try stopping 3 times a day in the 90+ heat and eating anything.

Yeah def not easy. I did really well before this Jeep build consumed my mind hahahaha
Googled it and a bazillion links appear saying BMI is bogus, misleading, inaccurate, a poor measure of health, etc...

Discernment is an awesome tool...

They same people who tell us to eat unhealthy are also the ones who make these charts.

So let's look at the premise. If I'm 30 and weigh 270 and I am 5-6... how much should I ideally weigh (exclude body builders from this). If you are more weight than you should and you eat calories based on that weight you are counter productive.

A white coat would typically suggest to evaluate your current caloric intake. Subtract 200 and go. Next month subtract 200. While he watches your vitals and nutrient levels bi weekly. And to keep dropping until you find the weight you want to be at and you eat according to that weight and stay "active"

I'm a little more aggressive in my ways. The part to be careful of. If you normally eat 8 happy meals a day and you suddenly drop to 4. Well you will be sluggish and your body is going to rebell. It's lost its sugar source you are addicted too.

Key is moderation but also more importantly giving your body the right things. You can supplement with a very nutritious green smoothie like Moringa to help your body adjust while you make changes

Point is

If you are supposed to be a AAA battery and you eat and weigh like a deep cell... no bueno. If you want to change back to your intended size do you continue to eat like a deep cell or do you wean yourself down to eat like a AAA? The weight comes off on its own if we eat right. The exercise is an accelerant

Just my self educated opinions fyi
I'm 6' 220. I'm not thin but most say I don't look like I weigh that much.

I try to eat healthy but it's hard. I have a crazy schedule. I work Fri Sat and Sun 7pm to 7am in a factory. I also work from 7am to 4pm Mon through Fri doing commercial roofing.

Its hard to get on a healthy schedule or pack food when I'm always on the go.

And here is a random pic since I just realized we're talking nutrition in the random pic thread.
I'll say this about weight...I've gained 20lbs since college, but in college I weighed 315lbs at 13% body fat and ate 6-8,000 calories/day. A decade later I weigh 335lbs, 24% body fat and eat 2500-3000 calories/day. Yeah, that's a little high, but I'm still pretty active, I know my issue is more the quality of food. Typically when I eat, it's anaconda style, forget to eat all day...then get a large deep dish on the way home and eat all of it. Just can't seem to get out of that habit though.
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i feel thats a common habit man. the "american family dinner". quick or no bfast - Get To Work. Work Work Work, quick stop for lunch, Work Work WOrk. Finally home. HUNGRY. #(*$&(#*&^%)*&#^(#^@


I feel you on the struggle. After departing Uncle Sams tent, I put on weight enjoying my Freedom. Then got serious. Like uber serious and cooked meals for the week for lunch and bfast on Sundays. I could eat cold or hot. and had family dinner as a big salad. like big big. with veggies and what not mixed in and a fish or something to go with. Green smoothie with bfast and lunch when I could. Worked out 30 minutes every other day, so 3 times a week. dropped weight fast. gained muscle back almost as fast. got into super good shape. then started this effin jeep build and couldnt juggle work, health and exercise and jeep. soooo the build won. got out of shape even faster. now getting back into it with some new things learned since then. there is always something in the way. and fitting it in makes for a very busy life, and if you work hard sometimes that rest is what you really need to recharge the batteries! #adultingsucks
Which is why I just bought 5k feet of assorted detectable tape for the new place. I am going to have about that much underground. Electric to shop (500'], water, sewer to remote drain field, etc.

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Make sure to have atleast 1 end of those tapes exposed where you can connect to them. Also plan to get your own locator. Then its really a crap shoot if they will work 10 yrs from now. Easiest way is to put a small power cable or telephone wire in there, something rated to be buried.

If you call 811 they will come locate utilities, not personal stuff like plumbing & irrigation.
The detectable tape I am putting about 6 inches down. Metal detector hits it ok. Supposed to have a buddy getting me a spool of 14ga direct bury. If that comes thru, I will use it also. I have a signal generator and detector for that.

Locator service will just do to point of demarcation.....will mark up to meter if I ever need it, but not private lines to shop, irrigation pump, septic pump, etc. At least not for free.

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It was a fantastic sunset on Edisto today if anyone missed it. I cut the kids and dog loose for a bit and soaked in the goodness.

Oh, and I needed this so for all the haters....:fuck-you:
Its my brother in laws construction company.

Adam Collins construction.

He's actually up your way right now working on a hotel in downtown Asheville.