Random pic thread.

OBX last week.

small world happen .was fishing on inlet started talking to only other person there , ends up being the father of a member on here . Great guy gave me a fishing tip and caught my first flounder


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So it was the main bearings knocking not the rod bearings.


Matching journal for the worse bearing(after very lightly green scotch Briting to remove transferred copper, no substantial ridges).. I'm surprised. I think for $75 all crank/rod bearings & fluids... I'm going to fully send it in a hard test ride after it idles to operating temp. Otherwise it's $300 and pulling the motor.

Im sure that would have been a real knee slapper if only us common folks knew what half that meant.
I was thinking: drive over and let's have a sit down. Never a reality anymore since nobody does business with just the guy next door.
Wile E Coyote super genius tree limbing.......
I had a big branch hanging off the old Oak tree beside the driveway/house after Mathew broke the top out that broke this limb and another about 50' up that I will be "removing" soon.This branch was 35' up and 4" of live White Oak where it snapped and was hanging straight down. I cracked/broke a rib the day of the hurricane slipping on the deck after taking this picture of some of the treetop on her car, and it was 10 days before I felt like trying to clean the shit up. W the help of the pain pills and a few or 4 shots of tequila I cut just enough to get to the back porch w my ryobi 18v chainsaw. Paid for that for the next few days :handed:

after I felt better I roped the branch to my S10 and tried to rip it off. I pulled it 5 times and all it did was sling the back of the truck till it was a straight line.I tried not to break the 1000 lb rope. I tried 2 more times in weeks and failed again. Last night after work I pulled on it again w a running start and broke the rope. Now I was mad. I had a beer or 3 and hatched a plan. I had 2 sticks of bamboo about 18' long under my shelter.I lashed them together w gorilla tape, grabbed a bunch of old socks and a bottle of lamp oil............walla I'm gonna burn that damn branch down. I knew Wile EC would approve when I found the lamp oil..........

I rolled up the sock on the end of the pole poured the oil on and lit it. Then I hoisted the fire to the broke branch.It took 3 socks/torches to get the branch burning but it was still green and the fire went out after 10 mins. The socks would burn for 3/5 mins and then fall down on the ground like a fireball. I roped the branch again and pulled w the truck, nothing. So I pulled the branch away from the tree and tied it off to get more flame on the break and hit it w a few more torches..it burned a while but went out after 30 mins.

While sitting in a zero gravity chair w a beer watching the fire burn down I got an idea. I had rolled the socks up as in the picture to make the torches. Now I soaked a whole calf sock and just stuck the cuff over the sharp tip of the pole. I carefully raised it over the branch @ the break and draped it over the limb.Then I lit another torch and lit the sock, then I had real fire up there.......

It burned for 20 mins before the green wood snuffed out, I untied the branch and started swinging it back and forth, it was loose now. I did this for 10 mins. and then I twisted it. I was able to twist it around twice/720 and kept swinging on it till I was to tired and gave up, that branch kicked my ass.
Today after work I grabbed it again and started twisting it again back and forth, then I got 3 twists then 4, it finally snapped off w the 5th twist. I cant believe how tough that piece of wood was.

vvvv this is the treetop.


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I've used a shotgun and some buckshot to shoot out a big limb once. Worked like a charm.

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk

I thought of that and I'm in the county. I had a neighbor who would shoot guns and fireworks in his backyard all the time and non of us neighbors ever complained except to ourselves. Mostly .22 but now and then he'd shoot a 9mm. and a .3006. He did have a bluff/safe backstop and 400 acres of woods behind his house.He's been gone for 4 yrs. I thought about a few slugs, or some .22 subsonic.
So it was the main bearings knocking not the rod bearings.

View attachment 279335

Matching journal for the worse bearing(after very lightly green scotch Briting to remove transferred copper, no substantial ridges).. I'm surprised. I think for $75 all crank/rod bearings & fluids... I'm going to fully send it in a hard test ride after it idles to operating temp. Otherwise it's $300 and pulling the motor.

View attachment 279336
If that's the journal that matched that nasty looking bearing, I'd say you got lucky. The journal looks nice and clean, though. I'd say fugg it, run it!
Apparently he's tried sharing a presentation with my company too. :lol:

The worst case of this Ive ever personally experienced.
When I was with Cummins they had a huge unveiling of their "hedgehog" project. It was at the time the largest engine Cummins had ever produced and the largest genset they had ever produced.

They revealed it to the world on Youtube live. This was back in like 2011 so Youtube live was kind of an on again off again thing...and it wasnt truly live but pretty close.

So on this fateful day everyone in the product manager, regional sales manager, or VP role was required to be paired up with a key account rep. I mean we meticulously set this thing up months in advance. We were on location in engineer and end user offices all around the country. Laptops set up, projectors and TVs in place.....an audience gathered around to see this 96L that was guaranteed to start and accept full name plate load in 10 seconds....this was an industry first and doing it in an EPA certified package was just showing off. We were a big damn deal. It was choreographed down to the minute. The presentation would start at 12:20 EST. We were to be in place at 11:45 EST. There would be a commercial looping for 30 minutes while we set up and our customer fixed their lunch plates and.....att 11:59 my phone rang, then again, then again, then my screen went blank.

We wouldnt know it for a few days as the rumor of the snafuu trickled out but Cummins Global IT had just pushed out at 12:00 noon eastern a security update blocking YouTube from all Cummins owned hardware....
I can't stand the restrictions IT puts on us. I understand they are trying to protect us from ourselves, but when it literally comes down to:

IT: We know this is used for a critical purpose, but it is no longer approved.
Us: Ok what are you replacing this software with?
IT: We don't have anything in place that does that.
Us: What about this?
IT: Not approved. Let us know if we can help in another way.
Us: How about this? Doesn't work as well, but we'll get by.
IT: Sure! This version was just approved.
Us: That version is old and not available. What about the new version?
IT: Nope, not approved for use.

The worst case of this Ive ever personally experienced.
When I was with Cummins they had a huge unveiling of their "hedgehog" project. It was at the time the largest engine Cummins had ever produced and the largest genset they had ever produced.

They revealed it to the world on Youtube live. This was back in like 2011 so Youtube live was kind of an on again off again thing...and it wasnt truly live but pretty close.

So on this fateful day everyone in the product manager, regional sales manager, or VP role was required to be paired up with a key account rep. I mean we meticulously set this thing up months in advance. We were on location in engineer and end user offices all around the country. Laptops set up, projectors and TVs in place.....an audience gathered around to see this 96L that was guaranteed to start and accept full name plate load in 10 seconds....this was an industry first and doing it in an EPA certified package was just showing off. We were a big damn deal. It was choreographed down to the minute. The presentation would start at 12:20 EST. We were to be in place at 11:45 EST. There would be a commercial looping for 30 minutes while we set up and our customer fixed their lunch plates and.....att 11:59 my phone rang, then again, then again, then my screen went blank.

We wouldnt know it for a few days as the rumor of the snafuu trickled out but Cummins Global IT had just pushed out at 12:00 noon eastern a security update blocking YouTube from all Cummins owned hardware....
:lol::lol::lol: That's about all I could muster. But there's no drooling emoji to cover that 96L Cummins. That's damn hot!