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Heck we would just hit them with a ram and yell "police search warrant". :)
Little known fact:

A fireman has more rights than a police officer. We don't need a warrant to enter your home and during a structure fire we own your home. We relinquish ownership after investigation.
during a structure fire we own your home. We relinquish ownership after investigation.

Yep... My mom had a "little" electrical fire a few years ago. We were a couple hours away. I called a buddy to run by and check on her until we got there. "Fire" was out, bad circuit isolated and turned off, still, FD had to tag the panel and lock out the house until we got an electrician there, then go thru county inspection dept. Lucky for us, the buddy I called was a retired electrician, but kept his license up, and he knew several of the fire crew. So, they did release the house, and she was able to go right back in. Otherwise, might have been a few days and a few hunnert bucks out of pocket.
Little known fact:

A fireman has more rights than a police officer. We don't need a warrant to enter your home and during a structure fire we own your home. We relinquish ownership after investigation.

I didnt realize you are a fire fighter, where do you work? Just wondering cause my girlfriend works for the Boone FD.
Little known fact:

A fireman has more rights than a police officer. We don't need a warrant to enter your home and during a structure fire we own your home. We relinquish ownership after investigation.
I wouldn't say more rights, just different laws govern us. Law enforcement can enter also under emergency circumstances too.
I just...don't have the words... I guess the classic band-aid is just too damn white anymore?? Oops, I said it. :shaking: Fawking Target carries this shit.

View attachment 279302

the fun begins. That's not camera lens effect either.

Cliff's notes: change timing belts, idlers, & water pump when due, leaking, or noisy!
Those are crooked as hell! ...maybe you could write them in on this year's midterm ballot -- I'd vote for 'em! :lol:
I didn't think you could buy those any more?

reference in case the humor is lost on some of you too young to remember the movie, or get all butt hurt thinking everything is racist:
Only the politicians can buy them these days.

My black friends get SO mad at me when I ask them to list everything the democratic party has done for THEM in the last 30 years :lol:
I didn't think you could buy those any more?

reference in case the humor is lost on some of you too young to remember the movie, or get all butt hurt thinking everything is racist:

My mind immediately went to