Random pic thread.

Larry is a super nice guy, and he was selling stuff at ridiculous deals.

I got 80 ft of 10ft tall, 30" deep shelving (175 shelves, and 19 uprights) for $430

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Well, it turns out these

Were a good bit heavier than the 70lbs I estimated...

So if the scale is right, that's 210 blocks at 82lbs each, 17,220 pounds. Plus 2500# trailer, 8000# truck, 500# for 2 dudes, shovels, handtruck, etc... 28,820 pounds. Thank God I had a shortbed truck or I would have probably loaded up another 15-20 blocks.
Pops' onion plants. We'll be rolling in onions this year. For size reference, those pepper plants are 7-8".

A slow day at the shop means stand in line and take some welding lessons. Powdercoater Will was super stoked about that.
Three of your straps are twisted. AARRRGGGHHH!!!!! There goes my CDO! (CDO is a lot like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, the way they are supposed to be.)
Ugh, I know. My neighbor helped me load them, and after 3 hours of him helping me, at 8:30pm in the dark I wasn't about to criticize a twist or two in the strap :cool: