Random pic thread.

People are hoarding TP and we are stocking up on the essentials.

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I give you the Beagleheeler

This pup was bad ass.Bout 2 months and running 4 miles w his owner. He showed me vid. of the puppy runnin his ass off behind him. He said the pup would sit beside him every time he stopped running and nothing, dog, jogger,cycle etc. would get his attention.
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I would put this on the Coronavirus project thread, but unlike some of you people, I ain't had a day off work in months. Between the 8-5 job 5 days a week, and tree and tractor work on nights and weekends, and keeping everything working and running, it's hard to find time to sleep. But I've been steadily chipping away at the kid's playset for a few weeks now. Made a bunch of progress this evening. Only things left to do (for now) are mount some holds for the climbing wall beside the net, fill in the sandbox, and finish grading around it.

And in typical engineer fashion, there's not a single nail anywhere, just screws :D
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Yeah it is and that’s just one side. The next time I have to climb up and the weather is decent I’ll take some more pics. I’ll even take one to show how high up that is.

Where were you hiking?
Snapped a pic of my Azaleas blooming today, Before the Storm wipes them out. Surprised the Wind hasn't stripped them yet! As you can see, I still have a different set, that are late bloomers. They'll be out in maybe 3 weeks. Frost usually gets All the buds, but this year has Not been Usual!


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Back home now.
But a not so great start to an Easter Sunday.
Threw out my back yesterday. Pain was bad enough that I passed out coming down the stairs this am. My wife and dogs freaked out (rightfully so) and I took a ride in the back of an ambulance. Couple of CAT scans, EKG, full panels, etc later and I have to remember I'm not the bad ass I think I am.