Random pic thread.

My dumptruck hates me..broken front coil.
The KLR I owned was the least fun bike I’ve ever owned or probably ever ridden. Underpowered, unbalanced, horrible ride, handling was awful. Wasn’t good at anything IMHO.

I've never understood the love for that bike. If I want something that big and heavy I might as well have a vstrom or something with real power!

But my first wife and my mom did the tedious, physically draining work and made it look awesome.

I see what you did there......

This has to be one of the cleanest shaft breaks I've ever seen. Its a D300 front output.
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I had a dana 44 shaft brake like that at the splines. I like it so much I made it my transfercase shift handle!

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Nice work! Hopefully you can post the follow up pic when you get to 531800.8 :D
I doubt it unless its in my F250...the work trucks get changed out before 120k.

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Not even mine! :D Bought the case with a broken front output from @GLTHFJ60 about 2 years ago, and finally getting around to putting it in the jeep. Maybe he can fill you in on the DOB (date of breakage).
Full circle story to go along with the broken D300 output...

Back in about 2007-8ish I swapped an NV4500 and D300 into my jeep. Got a 29 spline NV4500HD from @Pinkston with a bad 3rd gear syncro, so I rebuilt it, and converted the D300 to 29 spline to match the tranny. The only options at the time were Advance Adapters and JB conversions. Bought the AA version first because no one had bothered to badmouth them on the internet in 2007. Their stupid D300 input was a crap design and leaked fluid profusely, so I ended up buying the JB Conversions one, which is a good design with a dedicated seal instead of just a sealed chinese bearing.

A few years later (2011ish I'd guess), I sold off all my one-ton stuff and became "detonnified", and with that whole setup went my D300 case. Except the guy was putting it behind an AW4, and he needed 23 spline, so I kept the 29 spline JB Conversions adapter. Part of that deal was an NP231 with driveshafts, so I swapped that into my jeep in an effort to get closer to stock since things were more "fun" when the jeep was closer to stock.

But that stupid short driveshaft with the NV4500 just doesn't work. I delivered an RV appliance (washer/dryer maybe?) to @BRUISER at some point around 2012ish and he happened to have a D300 that he wanted to part with for a good price, so it followed me home. Since I still had a 29 spline input, I could swap it into my jeep, no issues, other than shifters. I had done custom levers once before for myself, and another set for a guy in Virginia, but I wanted cables this time. Low and behold @zubz had a set of Atlas cable shifters for sale in January 2014, so I Paypal'd him and planned to pick them up at some point soon since we both live near Charlotte. A short time later, in May 2017, I finally got those picked up :D somewhere in that same 2017 time frame, @Paul had a D300 clocking ring he was giving away, so he dropped it off at my house. Yay, now I have all the parts I need for a D300 swap! Only took 6 years!

Except I left out the part where @GLTHFJ60 was desperately looking for a JB Conversions D300 29 spline input in 2015, because JB Conversions was no longer making them. So I sold him mine. That left me with no 29 spline input. And @Pless needed some part and I owed him a favor so I gave it to him (stock input or output maybe?), and I think I sold @NickMaul the front output cover, and, well, you get the idea. It had been scavenged over pretty well and was missing parts. And in 2018 JB Conversions was still not making 29 spline inputs. Except they were, but you couldn't order them, and they didn't know when they would be available, so it made it really hard to place THAT order :shaking:

Fast forward to 2018, @GLTHFJ60 posts his D300 up for sale with MY!!! JB Conversions input still in it :D:D:D:D I jumped on that deal as fast as possible, and it didn't hurt that it had the Lomax 4:1 gears, HD output, and cable shifters :rockon:

In the past 2 years, @jeconn bought the case from the @BRUISER D300 and @ChrisM got all the internals. And I did nothing. Until @scrubber3 posted up looking for a 29 spline NP231 with SYE! Boom. Motivation. Too bad @77GreenMachine had to go scheduling this Uwharrie event right in the middle of a 10 year Dana 300 swap :lol: :popcorn:
Nice looking truck but needs the rally’s put back on it.
My first thought was....bad ass truck! But...Would be better with stock hood and rallys