Random Thoughts.....

Why do diffrent brands of tires measure different sizes when the sidewall reads the same? A 35 depending on brand may measure anywhere from 33.5 to 36, why?
Because the molds they are made from are precision CNC machined and those machines can only hold tolerances of 1/10000th of an inch...wait...
So that 1/10000 of an inch can throw tire size off an inch or so? I understand some variance, but with some brands if you want a true 35 you really need to order a 37. Thanks for the info I've always wandered about this issue.
So that 1/10000 of an inch can throw tire size off an inch or so? I understand some variance, but with some brands if you want a true 35 you really need to order a 37. Thanks for the info I've always wandered about this issue.
Interco comes to mind. The bigger the tire the worse it gets.
I think Interco does it by equivalent weight instead...
Someone in the office heated up fish in the microwave. I didn't realize it, but a bad smell permeated my office. I started wondering if I accidentally farted without realizing it. A coworker came in my office and asked who was making fish because it made him think he accidentally farted. We laughed. I farted, we laughed some more. It still smelled like nasty fish.
And why did I have to completely strip/wear a gown for my deviated septum surgery? I understand when they fixed my hernia, but come on now.
1 - b/c you'd be pretty pissed if they got blood on your clothes
2 - They know the gown they gave you is sterile. Who knows what the fawk kind of funkiness is growing in your clothes. Maintaining a sterile OR is pretty important.
3 - you look so much sexier for the nurses that way.
Why do hospital's buy the most uncomfortable furniture for their waiting rooms??? Why not recliners???
Because they don't want people hanging out there!
Same reason airport have really uncomfortable chairs w/ arms between them you cannot remove.

plus - recliners are expensive. And break. And people fight over them.
1 - b/c you'd be pretty pissed if they got blood on your clothes
2 - They know the gown they gave you is sterile. Who knows what the fawk kind of funkiness is growing in your clothes. Maintaining a sterile OR is pretty important.
3 - you look so much sexier for the nurses that way.

But my underwear had to come off too?
I guess that was for #3.
Because they don't want people hanging out there!

To me that makes no sense. I don't think anyone would just "be hanging out" at either a hospital or airport. The ONLY reason people hang out is cause they absolutely have to. Comfortable chairs would make absolutely no difference in hang time. When surgery is over and recovery is up, it's pretty much over and the patient is ready to go home. Same as when the plane comes and goes.

I highly doubt I'd go early just to hang out in the waiting room recliners...
To me that makes no sense. I don't think anyone would just "be hanging out" at either a hospital or airport. The ONLY reason people hang out is cause they absolutely have to. Comfortable chairs would make absolutely no difference in hang time. When surgery is over and recovery is up, it's pretty much over and the patient is ready to go home. Same as when the plane comes and goes.

I highly doubt I'd go early just to hang out in the waiting room recliners...
you're not homeless and you have a job and a family to hang out with.
Not everyone is so lucky.

Hospitals are nice warm places with friendly people who (generally) do not kick people out.
you're not homeless and you have a job and a family to hang out with.
Not everyone is so lucky.

Hospitals are nice warm places with friendly people who (generally) do not kick people out.

@RatLabGuy, You'd argue the ears off a billy goat...

First off, you have to check in and out. A hospital has some intense security beyond the information desk. There's no way anyone not a patient or family/ friend can come into a waiting room. (I am pretty familiar cause I've been in one on and off for the past 2 weeks).
The homeless sleeps anywhere in cardboard boxes. Those uncomfortable chairs would be Cadillac's. And the 1 news station that you can't change becomes re-run news and gets boring in the first 30 minutes.

You had to make me do a search...:rolleyes: "Usually, these rooms are designed for functionality instead of comfort. In most cases, hospitals go the most cost effective route for waiting rooms for they are purchasing hundreds of chairs at a time. Hopefully, what comforts that may be missing in the waiting rooms are made up for in patient rooms."

Everybody agrees that they don't make a sanitary dependable recliner (yet) or they would have them. Food and personal belongings fall in the cracks and then there's the children playing on them (people fighting over them :) ) with liabilities and sorts like that.

But they are companies specializing in comfortable waiting room chairs that are doing very well. But the price is so much more it's only a consideration. These companies explain that half the time the hospital is a choice and they WANT you to come there. It's just now come into play with technology and patient experience having more to do with waiting rooms for every ounce to edge out the competition.

But totally agree with "recliners are expensive. And break. And people fight over them."
The average volcanic eruption lasts for seven weeks.

A factoid I now possess, thanks to my five-year-old.
Since we seem to have a Mexican theme goin here,when a Mexican family,livin in the US,goes out to eat do they go out for American??