Random Thoughts.....

So I’m going to preface this by saying, I’ve never really been one thats big on ‘sharing’. As an adult, I don’t share shit...I donate or volunteer. If somebody wants something of mine, it’s my prerogative to give it to them or tell them to fawk off. As a result, I’m not going to force my child to share something of theirs, but I also won’t allow them to taunt other children...and make my child put it away if they don’t want someone else to have their widget.

That being said, we got this note at the beginning of the week this is going to be the classroom focus for my 3yr olds class:


Yesterday’s after class correspondence went something like this:

Teacher: Charleigh didn’t do a very good job sharing today.
Me: ok, I’ll talk with her
Teacher: The conversation I had with her went like this-

Teacher: you need to share that book, Charleigh
Charleigh: No thank you
T: Charleigh, sharing is caring
C: (hands on hips, wide eyed at the teacher)
T: Do you want me to call your mommy
C: Call my daddy, he tells me to tell him when grown ups make me do what I don’t want to (in my defense, this was in regards to inappropriate touching)
T: Excuse me, Charleigh, you need to share
C: I’m being independent

I thought my child had won with undeniable logic. My wife tells me we’re donating more books to the classroom.
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I'd forgotten how good cloth diapers are for my dryer lint fire starter supply.

And tough competition for the dog hair lint on odor when burned.
And tough competition for the dog hair lint on odor when burned.

It's all for outside, so I've never been bothered by the dog hair. The diapers are at least clean by the time they go in the dryer.

It doesn't take much when you're a professional (no go juice required)...
So I’ve got a guy that I help him with his Jeep. Major mechanical stuff, any welding or fabrication, and build advice. This person has a few thousand followers on IG, but I can tell when he ask me questions and he tries to pass that knowledge off as his own. Hell he even slipped up and didn’t text the right person last night. I’ve seen him brag in our local rinky dink offroad club group chat about the mods he’s about to do, then text me 5mins later about can I show him how to do such and such, and do I have time to work on it this weekend. Granted, I learned it somewhere, likely from the thousands of threads I’ve read over the 18+ years I’ve been into this stuff, from wrenching on stuff, my own trials and errors.

I keep telling him to buy a welder, mainly because I don’t work on people’s stuff for free. If they have no clue what they are doing. The funny part, he totally pretends he’s doing it all himself on Instagram. It’s like a car show on Spike or motor trend where you can tell they don’t normally do the work themselves.
So I’ve got a guy that I help him with his Jeep. Major mechanical stuff, any welding or fabrication, and build advice. This person has a few thousand followers on IG, but I can tell when he ask me questions and he tries to pass that knowledge off as his own. Hell he even slipped up and didn’t text the right person last night. I’ve seen him brag in our local rinky dink offroad club group chat about the mods he’s about to do, then text me 5mins later about can I show him how to do such and such, and do I have time to work on it this weekend. Granted, I learned it somewhere, likely from the thousands of threads I’ve read over the 18+ years I’ve been into this stuff, from wrenching on stuff, my own trials and errors.

I keep telling him to buy a welder, mainly because I don’t work on people’s stuff for free. If they have no clue what they are doing. The funny part, he totally pretends he’s doing it all himself on Instagram. It’s like a car show on Spike or motor trend where you can tell they don’t normally do the work themselves.
Links for the "fun" of it?

Been in this situation before. I'm probably old and mature enough now to take it As Flattery. Younger self got pissed enough to allow a decent friend go by the wayside. However if obnoxious enough I'd have to privately make them understand the lie they are perpetuating.
Links for the "fun" of it?

Been in this situation before. I'm probably old and mature enough now to take it As Flattery. Younger self got pissed enough to allow a decent friend go by the wayside. However if obnoxious enough I'd have to privately make them understand the lie they are perpetuating.

Oh he dropped his Jeep off over here yesterday afternoon and I hinted at it. I think his wife realized what I was saying, he was super quiet. I don’t have time to get his JKU running with the TJ tank in it because I got backed up dealing with other peoples stuff. I started out by just mentoring this kid helping him out because he didn’t have a lot of extra funds, not a whole lot of tools and lacking a lot of experience.

I thought on this a lot and was trying to make sure it wasn’t my own ego getting in the way. But these are the same kinds of younger generation that do stuff for likes for attention. They don’t get that in build threads and I feel like maybe that’s why they prefer Instagram and things like that. All the info he needs to do this swap is readily available online. Literally everything is online if you try and find it.

Edit: here’s a screenshot, maybe I’m reading too much into it, but seems he wants to be the go to guy but can’t think for himself.
I can't park a passenger vehicle driving forward... I've suspected that I was worse than most for a while, but my wife confirmed it (again) tonight at food lion. I can back any vehicle with mirrors like a champ. Anything from a 1/2 ton with a utility trailer up to an international with a sleeper cab and 53ft trailer. I have no problem spotting trailers at work 12" apart all day long. But I'll be damned if I can pull up straight into a parking spot to save my life. :lol:
The blues brothers is a great reminder that classic blues performances are truly works of art (RIP Cab Calloway, ray, reeree, John Lee hooker)) and oh dear lord Carrie Fisher.....so many dead kittens
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Hey guys, sorry about Covid. I think it might be my fault. Late last year I prayed earnestly and repeatedly for a better work commute, and my prayer has been answered. :lol:
I've often wondered (before the whole mask trend) if certain stores have a funky smell because of all the stank breathe people breathing all the stank out.

Nah, they still stink.
The blues brothers is a great reminder that classic blues performances are truly works of art (RIP Cab Calloway, ray, reeree, John Lee hooker)) and oh dear lord Carrie Fisher.....so many dead kittens

At the Sprint store at Thruway last year I convinced the girl helping us to "commandeer" the bluetooth and put on some Muddy Waters.
The place was gRoOvIn'!

( She eventually got fired. As a Customer Service Rep she got fired for doing her job instead of trying to upsell everyone who walked in the door with a problem. Highest customer satisfaction rate, lowest upsell rate.)
Sisters-in-law needed to borrow one of our cars for a few days while they get one of theirs fixed. She comes to pick it up last night and I hear her say “I can’t back down the driveway because your car doesn’t have a backup camera”. My driveway is maybe 100ft and straight as an arrow. I’m like WTF? Is this where we are now days?
Sisters-in-law needed to borrow one of our cars for a few days while they get one of theirs fixed. She comes to pick it up last night and I hear her say “I can’t back down the driveway because your car doesn’t have a backup camera”. My driveway is maybe 100ft and straight as an arrow. I’m like WTF? Is this where we are now days?
Funny thing this backing up is for some folks. I knew a guy about 8 years ago that couldn't back up a wrangler 10 feet without having to turn the wheel back and forth 180 degrees and still not be able to get where he needed to be. It was weird because he actually retired as a commander in the navy. Very social guy.

When I was 13 I could back a dump truck just using mirrors in some very questionable situations. But I'm socially inept. Everything is a trade off I guess.

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I don't know what is going on with youtube but people are commenting on a video I took of my old '97 PSD SEVEN YEARS AGO to help sell it. Seven.
I guess I need to edit it?

Just now someone posted on a random video I took of the CJ right after I did the hydroboost install.

Maybe it's a sign that I will be the next big youtube star.
I don't know what is going on with youtube but people are commenting on a video I took of my old '97 PSD SEVEN YEARS AGO to help sell it. Seven.
I guess I need to edit it?

Just now someone posted on a random video I took of the CJ right after I did the hydroboost install.

Maybe it's a sign that I will be the next big youtube star.
Remember your friends when you make it big

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Sisters-in-law needed to borrow one of our cars for a few days while they get one of theirs fixed. She comes to pick it up last night and I hear her say “I can’t back down the driveway because your car doesn’t have a backup camera”. My driveway is maybe 100ft and straight as an arrow. I’m like WTF? Is this where we are now days?
Bought a new car for the first time, two years ago.... i never use the camera. Back into spaxes ill sometimes stick my head out the window or even open the door. My daughter thinks its hilarious.

Few weeks ago a coworker saw me doing that and was like, "dont you have a camera for that?" I responded, I have no interest in becoming dependent on tech to do something that i can do myself.