Random Thoughts.....

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water."

Tbis makes no sense, why would a well be on top of a hill?
Especially in the 17th century when this rhyme appeared.... wells would be in the lowest areas bc that's where water flows
Jack and Jill ran up the hill in 60 seconds flat. They Jog and swim and keep in trim without an ounce of fat. Jack and Jill strive no thrill from staying up past 9. They're sworn of booze and both refuse a glass of beer or wine. Jack and Jill are never ill they're careful what they eat. Small Wonder they're the dullest pair you'll ever want to meet.

This is a poem I read from Mad Magazine as a kid and still remember it!
There is of course the Andrew Dice Clay version

Jack and Jil lwent up the hill
Each wit ha buck and a quarter
Jill can down with two fifty.

What a f*cking whore.
How is it folks 10 years younger than me are 100x more dumb?

It's amazing how kids in their early 20's (not all, but most) do not know how to do basic stuff? like add or realize its called a checkING account not checkings...
So now do I trade ammo for plywood so I can trade plywood for gas?
If you have enough ammo...you don't NEED to bargain for plywood nor gas...:huggy:

is it wrong to ask the drywallers whats the Mexican equivalent of "monkey fucking a football"?
The Hondurans I befriended and worked with called them "blue people".
The Hondurans I befriended and worked with called them "blue people".
I've heard that the booshie Hispanics refer to the construction class Hispanics in a derogatory way by calling them "Neons" :laughing: Which is hilarious because I have 2 neon vests in my trunk......though my shirts are generally so loud, I'm not required to wear a NEON vest when I'm on the jobsite

I've heard that the booshie Hispanics refer to the construction class Hispanics in a derogatory way by calling them "Neons" :laughing: Which is hilarious because I have 2 neon vests in my trunk......though my shirts are generally so loud, I'm not required to wear a NEON vest when I'm on the jobsite
you have speakers in your shirt? are they bose or pioneer? what trim level are you on Tuesdays?
If you didnt have triaxials you werent shit back then.
These bad boys played more Skynyrd and AcDc than should be allowed by law
