Random Thoughts.....

Funny how they live streamed the Rittenhouse trial but won't the ghislaine maxwell trial...

My understanding is Federal vs State.

The interesting part is all of the Dems that are in the room, to make sure she is the only one prosecuted.
Well, I can't speak for everyone, but, last time I attempted to close that gap between myself and the car in front of me leaving an intersection, I wound up in a situation where my $30 Amazon lightbar decided to go rabid and chew the bumper off of a Prius that the driver of which decided to slam on the brakes about 25' from the stop bar because of some imaginary bicyclist that nobody else in the surrounding lanes saw. Luckily it was in the middle of downtown Columbia right in front of the police station. And then I got a phone call from a rather disgruntled lizard with a British accent and a few less points on my driving record.
Best reason I have so far.

I do it because I believe that it speeds up the traffic flow, and if more people did it, more could get through each light cycle. If everyone is right behind the car in front on them, you have to wait on that car to move before you can. If you leave a gap, then the entire line can start to move almost at the same time, allowing more cars to pass through the light given a constant cycle time.
I do it because I believe that it speeds up the traffic flow, and if more people did it, more could get through each light cycle. If everyone is right behind the car in front on them, you have to wait on that car to move before you can. If you leave a gap, then the entire line can start to move almost at the same time, allowing more cars to pass through the light given a constant cycle time.
There is truth to this. Let off the brake when the light changes, apply throttle as soon as there is opportunity.
There is truth to this. Let off the brake when the light changes, apply throttle as soon as there is opportunity.
I think if everyone just paid attention to driving instead of everything else that's going on around them, there would be no need to leave full car lengths and more people would be able to get through the light cycle.
Unless this has changed in the last couple years, thats entirely not true. I was rear ended into someone else on 40 in winston and my insurance had to cover the car in front of me, and the guy behind me got off scotch free by simply leaving.
This is different. This involves a "hit and run".
This is different. This involves a "hit and run".
Yea, it involved me getting screwed. Put my truck oos for over a year. Couldnt file as uninsured driver, because we couldnt prove he was uninsured.
That would be incorrect. In NC that is what is called the domino effect and the vehicle that started the collision is the one held responsible (at fault).
Count me among the others that have experienced otherwise.
I do it because I believe that it speeds up the traffic flow, and if more people did it, more could get through each light cycle. If everyone is right behind the car in front on them, you have to wait on that car to move before you can. If you leave a gap, then the entire line can start to move almost at the same time, allowing more cars to pass through the light given a constant cycle time.
Thats a great theory, but only works if EVERY person does the same. Since 98% of people just wait for the guy in front of them, it will never happen.
What's up with making Santa Claus 'black'?

He's not black. He's not brown. He's not red. He's from the north pole, where most inhabitants are 'white'. His origins aren't African.

So if there is only one 'real' Santa, which is it?

People's paychecks are losing value, inflation is rampant, corruption is prevalent, the borders are open, and crime is up.....sure.....let's bury our head in the sand and make a black Santa. That'll fix it!
What's up with making Santa Claus 'black'?

He's not black. He's not brown. He's not red. He's from the north pole, where most inhabitants are 'white'. His origins aren't African.

So if there is only one 'real' Santa, which is it?

People's paychecks are losing value, inflation is rampant, corruption is prevalent, the borders are open, and crime is up.....sure.....let's bury our head in the sand and make a black Santa. That'll fix it!
It's about like having a white Jesus, i guess
For the most part, Jesus is depicted with slightly darker/darker skin
When I was growing up in church, Jesus skin color was not an issue. Some old pictures showed lighter skin color than others. It wasn't about skin color. When I got older, and leaned where he was from in the world, the darker skin made sense. I didn't get upset that he wasn't 'like me' in every single way.
For the most part, Jesus is depicted with slightly darker/darker skin
When I was growing up in church, Jesus skin color was not an issue. Some old pictures showed lighter skin color than others. It wasn't about skin color. When I got older, and leaned where he was from in the world, the darker skin made sense. I didn't get upset that he wasn't 'like me' in every single way.

I agree with this statement. Ive never really cared what skin tone either one was depicted as. But maybe that's the white privilege coming out?
What's up with making Santa Claus 'black'?

He's not black. He's not brown. He's not red. He's from the north pole, where most inhabitants are 'white'. His origins aren't African.

So if there is only one 'real' Santa, which is it?

People's paychecks are losing value, inflation is rampant, corruption is prevalent, the borders are open, and crime is up.....sure.....let's bury our head in the sand and make a black Santa. That'll fix it!
Santa was a Shamen who gave out mushrooms 🍄
We’re one step from the looney bin here. Seems we’re arguing about the skin color of a fictitious fat guy in a red suit….Or did I let the cat out of the bag again…… 🤨
Santa Claus is of Nordic or Northern European descent. Very white.
Santa Claus is of Nordic or Northern European descent. Very white.
Can we all agree if Santa was black and snuck into houses in the middle of the night a cop would have already shot him…
And the folks would have looted and had a second Christmas
Can we all agree if Santa was black and snuck into houses in the middle of the night a cop would have already shot him…
And the folks would have looted and had a second Christmas

I thought the most black thing that black folks could do was switch to Kwanza 🤷🏼
Does Kwanza have a mythic gift bringer?
Never a good idea to ever let me borrow or hold your cell phone.
I've been trying to warn people of that for years and they still fall for it, every time. 😎 😈
I'm pretty good at putting on 120v plugs and forgetting to put the cover end on the cord before wiring it. My other trick is to accidentally leave the old cover on the cord way up there and put both pieces of the new plug on.

At least I'm consistent. I do my best work after 5 on Friday trying to hurry up and get gone.

At least I'm consistent. I do my best work after 5 on Friday trying to hurry up and get gone.

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I was once told it was unacceptable to split one of those with a blade to clearance the wire and then silicone the fuck out of it…
But it was my place and I didn’t listen