Random Thoughts.....

Hell no. Plenty of slowasses in 2 axle vehicles I need to move on past.
Sure, there are other issues to tackle, but most 3+ axle trucks are right at or below the speed limit....a known quantifiable problem. Move them to the far right and you are afforded much more space to get around the other slow cars. You win.
Why not vote to get started on a solution?
Nope. Because this kind of 1-size-fits-all over-regulation sounds like what I'd expect from a Democrat :flipoff2:

Eggs Zachary.
Just enforce "left lane for passing only."

In MD it is literally a law. Not heavily enforced, but I know a guy pulled over for it.
It's not just the left lane. They cruise down the middle lane with cars passing on both sides. It's more complicated than 'left lane for passing'....but yes, enforce the laws on the books is a start. Ill do that too!
Sure, there are other issues to tackle, but most 3+ axle trucks are right at or below the speed limit....a known quantifiable problem. Move them to the far right and you are afforded much more space to get around the other slow cars. You win.
Why not vote to get started on a solution?
tell me youve never driven a truck without telling me youve never driven a truck
tell me youve never driven a truck without telling me youve never driven a truck

That is no relevant. And wrong.

I have driven a 3+ axle truck. They ain't fast, don't accelerate or brake the same as cars, harder to switch lanes, take much longer to pass causing rolling blocks, and are so much more dangerous than a normal passenger car.

Rolling along in the middle lane while getting passed on both sides causing other mental midgets to make erratic moves to get around is dangerous. And is an easy fix. Oh, and no school busses on roads with greater than 55mph speed limit. Those are super dangerous. Going slow is far more dangerous than rolling fast in an open lane. And yes, enforce the law and ticket left lane slow campers.

Regardless of what vehicle I'm driving, I get out of others way. I accelerate to merge. I don't touch the brake pedal unless absolutely necessary. I know I'm not the only person on the planet and recognize that there are other vehicles on the road.
Some people who live on my road stand around in the road talking. They wait until I am almost right on top of them before moving out of the way, then still stay in the road and barely move much at all. Get out of the road, or at least move to the edge!!! WTF is wrong with people? It is the same dumb offenders every time too with their dogs. Maybe the rest of them will learn if one of them gets mowed down.
Maybe the rest of them will learn if one of them gets mowed down.
Indeedbut lets face it you dont wanna be the one to do it, lawsuit and paperwork will be hell.
Indeedbut lets face it you dont wanna be the one to do it, lawsuit and paperwork will be hell.
Yeh, I'm not running anybody over. They see me coming from a distance, and don't do anything. They act like they are on a greenway trail and I am illegally driving down it. It is crazy. MOVE!!!!!!!!!!
Is it that people are just rude and don't care or feel entitled or both? I just seem to have interactions with people where I just can't fathom someone being so rude to someone who is being nice and cordial to them.
Is it that people are just rude and don't care or feel entitled or both? I just seem to have interactions with people where I just can't fathom someone being so rude to someone who is being nice and cordial to them.
For most its because getting punched in the face rarely happens anymore.
For most its because getting punched in the face rarely happens anymore.
This!! So many Millennials/Gen Z types have no clue what it's like to get completely wrecked for running that mouth!

When I was in HS if you ran your mouth, you got called on it, and if you didn't have the ass (or friends) to back you up, then you were put in check.

Simply doesn't happen now in todays sue-happy environment. Well..unless you've got "fast lane driver" money and have an attorney on retainer
This!! So many Millennials/Gen Z types have no clue what it's like to get completely wrecked for running that mouth!

When I was in HS if you ran your mouth, you got called on it, and if you didn't have the ass (or friends) to back you up, then you were put in check.

Simply doesn't happen now in todays sue-happy environment. Well..unless you've got "fast lane driver" money and have an attorney on retainer
This, and frankly I think parents either don't know or don't bother to teach manners and the value of politeness and being humble.
Is it that people are just rude and don't care or feel entitled or both? I just seem to have interactions with people where I just can't fathom someone being so rude to someone who is being nice and cordial to them.
The end of the world needs to hurry the fuck up and get here. I'm sick and tired of trying to maintain civility and it's not in my nature to even know what it is.
The end of the world needs to hurry the fuck up and get here. I'm sick and tired of trying to maintain civility and it's not in my nature to even know what it is.
My mother-n-law has been looking skyward for that day for several decades. She's beginning to realize it may not happen in her time and now regrets wasting so much time wishing it would come.
The end of the world needs to hurry the fuck up and get here. I'm sick and tired of trying to maintain civility and it's not in my nature to even know what it is.
Eh, world doesn't need to end, and literally I don't think that is what you meant......I'm more for let us draw them lines and choose sides. Get down to business with what is honorable, decent, and pursue value over quantity and excess. If that means a whole lot of feelings get hurt and sorted along the way so be it. Fact replacing fantasy and grit replacing polishing turds. Savage might mean just what civilization squashed. Living in harmony with nature.
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Savage just might mean just what civilization squashed. Living in harmony with nature.
I'm all for a giant sun flair that sends us an EMP of epic magnitude. One that specifically targets celebrities and "internet models" that receive all of their self worth and value from the likes and comments section of their tiktack and instahoe. If it could render most communications, as well as Washington and ALL of California useless (see also scorch the earth from existence in these areas) I would be VERY happy

I mean..if we're putting in requests and all

Pray I Hope GIF
For most its because getting punched in the face rarely happens anymore.
While I do feel that some people need a good clockin, I wish people just didn't act that way in the first place. Like who just automatically turns on Karen mode right off the bat? I just have very low hope for this world anymore. I know there are still some good hearted people out there, but man, do the others just ruin it for everyone else.
While I do feel that some people need a good clockin, I wish people just didn't act that way in the first place. Like who just automatically turns on Karen mode right off the bat? I just have very low hope for this world anymore. I know there are still some good hearted people out there, but man, do the others just ruin it for everyone else.
You got kids? Because them folk are mostly the product of the parents and the choices they made. Yes it takes a tribe to raise the young folks but parents or the lack of can influence what tribe does the rearing.
It isn't always one hundred percent the case and when all else fails the competing tribe gets to introduce some raising .......that's the basis for the "punch". None of that went/goes on for a magnitude of people.
You got kids? Because them folk are mostly the product of the parents and the choices they made. Yes it takes a tribe to raise the young folks but parents or the lack of can influence what tribe does the rearing.
It isn't always one hundred percent the case and when all else fails the competing tribe gets to introduce some raising .......that's the basis for the "punch". None of that went/goes on for a magnitude of people.
I do have kids and yes I think you are right. I take pride that people tell me how well behaved my child is and I also take pride in teaching her to be a good hearted person and to care for others but also to stand up for yourself. But most of the people I am talking about are older than me (40's - 50's) seems to be more of an entitled reaction than anything, I guess.
Can someone explain to me why some fast food restaurants ask for your name instead of just assigning you a number?
Because they couldn't keep the employees nor the customers from giggling when they called 69 numerous times a day :huggy: