It's been a wild couple of months. Between losing mom and gaining Remi, the emotions have been crazy. Today has been no different. Each time I've been out with the birth of our children, the company I'm with has thrown some sort of monkey wrench at me. With the first, I came back and was immediately told I was no longer in detailing and could either go do estimating or pack my crap. With the second I was immediately sent out of town for 2 months and then shoved back into estimating. Now, the third.... I get back today and they call a big meeting for all the field people. Tell us nobody gets a raise and nobody is allowed any overtime unless the GM approves it. Along with a long list of problems and gripes they have. I'm told to hang back after the meeting, so I'm honestly expecting to just get canned, based on previous conversations. Well, they have decided that I am now "officially" a field project manager. Been doing 80% of the work for years now, but was always told "we don't have field pms". Was also told that if I want the role, I've got to go on salary. Not the end of the world, as long as they match the money, there are definitely some benefits. I find it strange that all 3 times I've been off on parental leave, I've come back to major changes. Honestly not sure what the future looks like here. The whole company has been turned upside down in this regime change. But at least getting a small bump up and going to salary should be decent job security through the election and these changes within the company I guess.
Anyway, thoughts/rant/ramble over.