Random Thoughts.....

Life's hard, wear a cup.
TurboTax must have been redesigned for millennials this year. Makes me want to eat a tide pod to avoid dealing with it. Yeah... It left that bad a taste in my mouth. Haha, get it?
Don't ask me how I'm feeling about my taxes, just get on with it!
It’s annoying how “appointment” doesn’t mean what it used to anymore. #citylifewoes
It’s annoying how “appointment” doesn’t mean what it used to anymore. #citylifewoes
I've often wondered how the term "disappointment" relates to the base word "appointment".
It's not like they're opposites.
appointment means some butt nugget is gonna try and charge you for being late or missing but doesn't give a rats arse about you having to wait in the lobby for an hour.

late and missing policies never bother me. its detrimental to a business having no shows and late customers. Screws up alot of stuff. Its a pain in the ass when you "make an appointment" and theyve triple booked for that same time. More and more often Im seeing where Appointment doesnt mean what it used to mean. It really means something along the lines of "scheduling your appearance", rather than setting aside specific time to accomadate your "purchasing presence".

Time to get back to the small town life
There comes a point in the day when you've lost all motivation to make further progress, or any meaningful contribution.

That point, for me, came at 9:27 a.m.
I stoled this one too...

Some things are better left unsaid. Chances are, I'm going to say them anyway.
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I remember when...

You would get change taped to a vending machine item. Such as candy bars, etc.

Quoted from Smoking Pays Off For Collectors

" At the time, a pack of cigarettes would only cost 23 cents from vending machines. However, there was one problem: those vending machines would only take quarters. In 1955, the vending machines were just not equipped to take different coin denominations or give back change. The cigarette companies had to either raise the prices or figure out a way to give back change.

Instead of taking the risk of raising prices and possibly losing customers to other cigarette companies, some cigarette vendors decided to place two cents inside each pack of cigarettes to give back as change. Therefore, when smokers placed a quarter in the cigarette vending machines, the customers would receive a pack of cigarettes with two Lincoln cents that were inside the cellophane packaging."


"Bugs Bunny lampooned the practice in 1949's "Hare Do" when he buys a carrot at a vending machine, and gets 2 pennies wrapped with the carrot."

wow..what a different time that was in America:(
Why do people bring a trailer with 5 pounds of steel and 5 pounds of cans to the scrap yard? The scrap yard don't want to have to deal with that little piddly stuff so you can get a pack of smokes and two dollars of gas... Plus they take up time that's better spent unloading us with real loads..
Move to a real town.

AT&T Fiber, 1000MB down. Sucker!

moved to asheville to get away from dial up and sat. so now at 60mb for $60. Well now the farm has 100mb fiber... Mayyyy need to consider a move. Tired of asheville anyways haha
Why is it...all year long, I appraise the performance of my employees. I can talk them up to the plant manager where needed for awards at the end of the year, when in discussion about general day-to-day bs...but when it comes time to sit down and write performance evaluations and determine wage increases...I cannot think of one solitary fucking thing to write. Maybe it's because there's 80 of them. smh.
Passed a black cat that had been hit by a car in the middle of the road and I thought “you ain’t gonna steal my luck today”