Random Thoughts.....

I guess we are not going to have winter this year.
And generally summer every winter.

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Man, I never look forward to summer. I hate hot weather.
There are two kinds of experience. A man can have 20 years of experience in a skill, or 1 year experience repeated 20 times.
Yep, I used this line this week following an interview.
Learning stops when knowledge is presumed.
Exactly. I'll take 25 over 85 any day.
As long as we don't have a repeat of 1816, I am happy.

I had never heard of that, so I googled it. Wow!!! Frost in in late August in Virginia! Snow in new York, Massachusetts, etc in June! Majority of crops were ruined.
He let you marry his daughter. Is this news? :lol:
HA! But seriously, just went over there Sunday and the dude was walking around the house with a holster strapped to his leg, no gun, 1 mag, camo pants, and was telling me how he wears all that stuff out to the mailbox to get his mail everyday....(I have my CC and wear my firearm anywhere I go, but not full on leg rig just to go get the mail.) Then he tells me people have been coming up to him in the grocery store asking if he is a veteran....and I think he likes the attention and believes it makes him more "cool" because of that. He is retired and spends his days watching Fox news (which there is nothing wrong with that) and I'm worried he is letting all this get in his head.
I have never wanted to let the air out of someone's tires more than just a few minutes ago. Sitting in a parking space and start to pull out forward. No cars around me. As soon as I give it gas this bitch hauling ass and cutting through the parking lot comes from behind me and cuts right in front of me. I jam on the brakes and they go park one row in front of me. I sit there waiting for them to get out. Teenage daughter in passenger side gets out first and immediately looks my direction. Bitch gets out and never looks that way. They walk into the store and I it took everything I had not to go over there and take two valve stems out and lay them on the tire tread.

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We've all talked a bout the Cars at the Diesel pumps : Today, I pull the dump truck into a Murphy Station. I compact sitting at the only pump I can get to. No problem, I was going to warf down lunch anyway. Within seconds a small black girl comes from the Store to the car. I'm thinking, yea she paid inside. She jumps in the car & pulls away. Now I think, Damn, she parked at the Pump, to go buy something! I pull up, to the first pump, which is the only Diesel one. Lay out my brown bag, & start the pump. Girl returns, & backs in to the other pump, where she had been, but barely close enough to the pump, because of where I'm at. I'm Wondering! She gets out, & pumps gas in her car. ??? She forgot to get her gas! Go figure! She smiled, & just told her I was having lunch, while fueling. She finished, waved & told me to have a nice day! You too! After she left, I looked on her pump. $7.15! O Well, whatever!
$7.15! O Well, whatever!

I understand it, if that's all she had, that's all she had, if she came out with an armload of smokes and beer id probably be a bit more judgmental.

I have a co-worker that is constantly on the mooch for gas money, but also always seems to have money for smokes and booze. Get the fuck outta here.
Yea i know a guy that complains about his old truck and how can i afford what i have. But then buys 150-200 a week in lottery tickets, not sure how much he wins. But didn't like when i explained thats at least a 500 dollar car payment lol.