Random Thoughts.....

Bill Withers died.
Good song writer and singer of genuine lyrics of the soul. Article I just read was enlightening. Happy to here he abandoned his singing because of the status quo rather than diluting his artistic worth.
Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed potatoes
why does everyone think my driveway is the place to bust a U-turn!

Same here... except they're LEAVING the driveway (read = fawking up the GRASS) rather than use reverse during execution! :flipoff:

On an unrelated note, I recently "misplaced" a couple chunks of angle iron with big masonry nails welded up thru the top...
My neighbor has been tilling his backyard for the last two days, he has been running at idle with the choke on the whole time.....seems to be struggling quite a bit.
If you use google maps...at all....be sure to check out your "Google Maps Timeline"

It's quite enlightening as to what information is available...even when ALL of your apps location settings have been disabled.
bernie meme.jpg
Mr Healthy and fitness threw his back out this am picking laundry up off the floor. Can't even put socks on without my wife helping.
New bike sitting here collecting dust.

My woman helps me get dressed in the mornings to prevent that from happening.
Hmmm mine never wants to help me get back dressed...
Hmmm mine never wants to help me get back dressed...
Cause you ain't wearing it out. If you wear it out, she'll beg for mercy...
Cause you ain't wearing it out. If you wear it out, she'll beg for mercy...

I think the opposite is the problem. She never can seem to get up...